A police raid took place in Tübingen. A private apartment and the house project „Lu15“ were searched by police forces on the 4th of February.
Especially in the house project the police presented themselves pretty violently and did not respect any supposedly valid laws. The search warrant was not shown until the masked and armed cops had already spread throughout the house and only after repeatedly requesting it. Rooms, which were not listed in their search warrant, were searched. A fire door was destroyed, although the key to it was offered by a habitant. There is more information on our website lu15[dot]de
The reason for these efforts, which was finally revealed, was the detention of two friends in front of the district court in Tübingen the night before the raid. The accusation is: attempted(!) damage to property..
Even though the two companions communicated since the beginning of their arrestation, that they don't want to make a statement, they were interrogated for hours by the criminal investigation department and state security. This kind of procedure does not relate to the accusation ins any way.
Furthermore, the investigators tried to force statements of the two in several ways. They were separated in the beginning without knowing where the other person might be. The doctor, who had to confirm their medical fitness for being detained, ignored the physical and psychological complaints of at least one of the persons. Directly after that, the female detainee was brought to another place. She did not know, where she was. Both were repeatedly and over longer periods threatened verbally and being shouted at during the interrogations. The frightening scenario to stay detained for some weeks, before they will be presented in court, was indicated. And there's even more. The investigators also threatened, that the two will be blamed for 45 torts of damage to property from the last years, if they won't „cooperate“ with the police.
When the detained woman was forced to undress for searches and body checks, the only present policewoman was urged to leave. That meant, that she was left alone with two male police officers.
Prescribed and badly needed medicaments were denied.
Our two friends were exposed to the violence and the sadism of the police offenders for hours. Principal human rights were naturally denied.
Despite all these harassments the two did not give a statement!!!
We show them all our respect and our solidarity is with them!!!
This police operation was a massive attack on left structures, an attack to the private spaces of several people and especially an attack against two of us!
The extent of violence on the part of the minions of the law gives the idea, that the frustration over the lack of inverstigation results of the last years was let out at once.
This state offensive could have affected anyone, who criticizes or questions it in any way. It hit two of us, but it was directed to all of us! But nobody stands alone! We will process this experience collectively and get through all what's still about to come. We will assist our two friends with their supposingly upcoming trials and support them with all,what we can offer.
This attack was no single event. For a long time the police, supplied and covered by politics and jurisdiction, cracks down on leftists and their structures. It does not matter, if the police is respecting current law. History and the last years showed anyway, that laws get adapted to wishes, ideas and manner of the police. The issue gets even worse with more and more revelations of right-winged tendencies and structures within police ranks.
But even if they do their best to make us humble and weak:
We will never give up! We will stand for a good life for everyone, no matter what!
Come march with us to show your support for the affected!
Solidarity and good luck to „die Zwei vom Landgericht“ (transl.: the two from the district court) and the „Lu15“!
14.02.2020 Sternplatz
17:30 Rally
19:00 Demo
We hope for a big, colourful and punchy demonstration, which is open to everybody. who wants to support us. Please leave your party's flags at home!
Lu15 and friends
Actual information: lu15[dot]de