
Athens: Taking responsibility for arson attack on COSMOTE van – Kyriakos X. always present

“A better world, better for all” – Taking responsibility for arson attack on COSMOTE van – Kyriakos X. always present

Technology plays a primary role in shaping the modern dystopia. Human contact has been replaced by online interaction, which is based on the construction and promotion of a self-image aimed at strengthening fragile self-confidence, which ends up being ephemeral and dependent on an insatiable need for reassurance. Personal relationships have degraded completely and total alienation is prevalent. At the same time, technology, as a pillar of capitalism, creates artificial needs through systematized advertising propaganda, which is becoming increasingly effective with the use of profile personalization tools. It promotes consumption of material goods as a purpose in itself and as an idea of personal fulfillment.

Athens 28/2: Law & Order lost control for few hours

May be 500.000 people followed calls from leftist, communist, anarchist groups, student collectives, the relatives of the Tempi victims, the calls for general strike from unions, the calls from organized football hooligans, to join a gathering at Syntagma Square in the center of Athens. see one of the many calls Biggest gathering since long time. The crowd took over the surrounding avenues from 9 o clock in the morning until early evening. Also participating, voters of ND government, nationalists and few nazis, which got beaten up in between.

Athens: Arson Attacks in Memory of Anarchist Kyriakos Xymitiris

Forward, everyone!
Both with arms and with heart,
word and pen,
knife and gun,
irony and blasphemy,
theft, poisoning and arson,
let us wage… war on society!

~Josheph Dejacque (1821-1864), libertarian anarcho-communist

Athens: Arson Attack at the real estate company Ellika

At the early morning of Monday, December 23, we decided to leave a little gift in anticipation of the holidays at the real estate company Ellika, at its store on Irakleidon Street in Thisseio. The otherwise police-controlled neighborhood of Thisseio was the perfect spot for us to contribute, fairly easily, our own sparkle enriching this way the already so glittering decoration of the Athenian center.

Exarchia/Athens: Smashing gentrification in the name of Kyriakos X.

Exarcheia has been transformed into a sterile, dead tourist entertainment zone where the culture of consumerism dominates and alienates, superficial relationships prevail. Hipster shops, swanky hotels, flashy airbnbs now flood the neighbourhood, turning it into a flashy showcase for the apathetic apolitical who museumise its rebellious characteristics.


It was a long road to get here. Very long, my brother. The handcuffs weighed heavily on the hands.

The evenings when the little light bulb shook its head saying “time’s over”. We read the history of the world in small names, in some dates carved with a fingernail on the prison walls, in some childish drawings of the future dead – a heart, a bow, a ship that surely tore through time.

In some verses that were left in the middle so that we could finish them, in some verses that were finished so that we wouldn’t finish them. It was a long road to get here – a difficult road. Now this road is yours.

You hold it like you hold your friend’s hand and measure his pulse on the mark left by the handcuffs. Normal pulse – Sure hand – Sure road.

- Y.Ritsos 

Exarchia: For smashing Polyamorous flower shop on 10/2/2024

Athens, Greece: For smashing Polyamorous on 10/2/2024


In Exarcheia – for decades now, but with particular intensity in recent years – a war is being waged on the part of the state.

A neighbourhood inhabited for many years largely by proletarians, immigrants, women activists, students and youth, a neighbourhood that has always been the “centre” of all kinds of radical movements, has long been part of a coordinated and centrally planned operation of aggressive and violent mutation.


Anarchists attack riot police in Exarcheia

Anarchists attack riot police in Exarcheia. Riot police has been guarding the equipments and machines of the company that tries to construct a metro station on the square. Residents of Exarcheia give a fight against the metro station for almost one and a half year now.

Athens: Police fire bullets in front of ASOEE University

Yesterday, a cop who was passing with a police car in the descent stream of Patission Street around 12.30 pm, pulled out a gun when they were attacked with stones at the height of the ASOEE, aimed at people intimidatingly and then shot 3 times in the air. No injuries, thankfully this time.Barricades on Patision in both directions for a while and riot police at the scene.

About the repressive operation and the defense of Prosfygika

We are still here … The Community remains strong and united … Prosfygika will win!!!!

On 22/11/2022, at 5.45 am, all kinds of police forces, riot police MAT, state security, Delta, OPKE and EKAM, invaded the squated neighbourhood of Prosfygika on Alexandra Avenue and more specifically the 7th block, on Tikhonidos Street (behind the Elpis Hospital). They broke through the outer door of the building, breaking it. Then they went up to the second floor where two community companions, the arrested companion and another refugee from Iran live. They kidnapped both of them and proceeded to carry out a thorough search of the building. At the same time, the entire neighborhood was surrounded by the repression forces, not only at the site of the search but in total, attempting to occupy it.


Athens abonnieren