This is the translation of an interview, held by Mission Lifeline. The original interview is published on there website
On March 16th, Mission Lifeline spoke to Tjark in Camp Moria. He is 16 years old and fled from Afghanistan, passing through Iran and Turkey to Greece. Tjark was severly beaten by the police in Turkey then arrested and robbed. They stole his phone and burned his clothes. He had to go back to Teheran, Iran to earn money for a second attempt to flee. After two failed attempts to cross the Aegean Sea he succeeded and made it to Greece, where he has been staying in Camp Moria for over 6 months now. On his journey he was raped twice.
After the horrific developments of the last weeks he, like many others, does not have anything to in the camp. The school has been closed and there is a continual rise in violence.
His fate is just one of many and his story is far from an individual case. Because of his traumatic journey and the constant rise of violence, his hope is decreasing from day to day.
We, as Europeans, must act now to free the children and their care givers, at least.