Following is a series of testimonies from several different voices with common experiences. It is the result of conversations between eight ex-detained migrants from Algeria – known from the case of the “8 of Petrou Ralli” – with female comrades from the Community of Kukaki’s Squats. The purpose of the text is to give visibility to the reality that the migrants imprisoned in the centres for administrative detention and camps face every day. Those who delivered these testimonies, do no want to serve the spectacle through which many westerners, in greece and elsewhere, consume the migrant’s situation. It is not written from the position of a journalist or an academic researcher. On the contrary, we fought to take these people out of the prison, we live together, in a community struggling against the same threat. It is the outcome of their political will and trust, products of a long term communication that was created by the Coordination of Collectives and Individuals Against the Detention Centres (SSAEKΚ) since the moment they were in greek prisons until today that are hosted in the structures of the movement. Political will to share their experiences and uncover fascism for the next. Trust in the ability of the movement to break the system that invisiblises them. These testimonies enable us to perceive better the structures we fight against, fascist structures of confinement that operate as businesses. In order to understand what it means to encage people, all the horror had to be laid bare. The horror of the greek, white supremacy and its concrete reality, that humans live in their flesh and through their existence.