
Aborigines: "We do not need a special envoy, we need our leaders to listen"

Australia’s new rightwing prime minister’s choice of a previous prime minister, Tony Abbott, as “special envoy” to Indigenous people has triggered their angry reactions.1

“We do not need a special envoy, we need our leaders to listen,” wrote Luke Pearson, founder and director of the news service IndigenousX.

An Opposition Labor member of parliament, LindaBurney commented, "He [Abbott] opposes a voice to Parliament. He doesn’t believe in empowering First Nations people.”

Labor Senator Patrick Dodson, also an Aborigine, noted that as prime minister Abbott “cut $500 million from Indigenous programs in the 2014 federal budget."

Bundesweite Demonstration am 13. Oktober, 13 Uhr in Berlin

Haltet euch den 13. Oktober 2018 für die bundesweite Demonstration in Berlin frei und kommt zahlreich. Wir brauchen euch zahlreich.

"Rheinmetall entwaffnen": Yes we Camp! Mit Schlafen!

Das Verwaltungsgericht Lüneburg hat unserer Klage stattgegeben und das Schlafen auf dem Camp gestattet. Der Aufbau ist fast fertig und die ersten Leute sind da. Morgen beginnt das Programm!

[B] Angriff auf AfD-Veranstaltungsort Wartenberger Hof


In der Nacht von Montag, den 27.08. auf Dienstag, den 28.08.2018 haben wir den Wartenberger Hof in Hohenschönhausen mit etwas Farbe verschönert. Die komplette Fassade, mit Fenstern und Wänden auf der einen Seite erstrahlt nun im neuen Glanz. Ganz zu schweigen von dem Dach – das wird teuer.


Anger over Tony Abbott's Indigenous envoy role: 'Haven't we been punished enough?'

Aboriginal leaders say they are dismayed and disappointed by the proposal to appoint Tony Abbott as special envoy on Indigenous affairs to the Federal Government.

Prime Minister Scott Morrison has asked Mr Abbott to take on the job, and the ABC understands the former PM has given an "in-principle" agreement.

There are still questions about the new position, including how it will complement the roles of the Indigenous Affairs Minister and the Indigenous Health Minister.

The Minister for Indigenous Affairs, Nigel Scullion, said while the details were yet to be worked out, he was looking forward to working with the former PM.

For the complete report click here.

[GÜ] Nazischmutz entfernt!

In Güstrow tauchen immer wieder rechte Parolen in Form von Graffiti auf. Diese faschistische Propaganda wurde gestern in mehreren Stadtteilen entfernt. An ihre Stelle traten dafür antifaschistische Tags oder Plakate.

Unteranderem wurden Plakate für die Gegenproteste zum AfD-Aufmarsch in Rostock am 22.09. verklebt. Treten wir den Rechten in Rostock gemeinsam entgegen!

Organisieren, sabotieren, angreifen!



Heavy industry, acid rain, graffiti threaten 50,000-year-old Aboriginal rock carvings

You have probably heard about the threats to the Great Barrier Reef and its dire straits due to global warming. But hidden in Western Australia lies a much more accessible treasure trove that no-one seems to care to protect, except its traditional custodians.

The Burrup Peninsula near Karratha, 780 kms north of Perth, harbours irreplaceable Aboriginal rock art of world heritage class, exposed to wilful damage or theft, toxic emissions of nearby industry and threatened by political arbitrariness.

“Hundreds of thousands of Aboriginal petroglyphs (rock engravings) are distributed over an area of 88 sq km, inviting you to discover them,” writes Jens-Uwe Korff, owner of the website Creative Spüirits. “They range from small engravings of Emu tracks to very large ones representing some kind of corroboree or ceremony, Aboriginal figures climbing a ship’s mast. They depict a Tasmanian Tiger (thylacine), whales, kangaroos, emus and thousands of Aboriginal ceremonies.

(For the complete text click on the headline.)

Police chief apologises for a 1928 massacre of Aboriginal children, women and men

As recently as 1928 an officially endorsed massacre of innocent Aboriginal men, women and children was perpetrated by a white policeman leading a posse of horsemen in the Northern Territory of Australia near a cattle ranch called Coniston.

Officially the killers were to capture an Aboriginal man accused of killing a white dingo hunter. All members of the mounted party shot to kill, no-one keeping a record of how many they killed, says a book about massacres and maltreatment of Aborigines since 1788, “Blood on the Wattle” (ISBN 1 86436 410 6, cover pictured).

According to historians, riders led by Constable William George Murray shot dead more than 50 men, women and children at at least six sites between August and October 1928.

But Warlpiri, Anmatyerre and Kaytetye people say that up to 170 innocent people were indiscriminately slaughtered as the horsemen roamed up and down the Lander River. The official figure stated in court was 17, all allegedly shot in ‘self-defence’ against Aborigines bearing spears and other wooden weapons. No charges were ever laid; a board of inquiry set up to investigate the killings ruled the party had “acted in self-defence”.

(For the complete article click on the headline.)

Chemitz. Sachsen. Deutschland


 Die jüngsten Ereignisse in Chemnitz anlässlich einer Auseinandersetzung auf dem Stadtfest mit 2 Verletzten und einem Verstorbenen, sind symptomatisch für die momentane Situation in Deutschland. Gestern versammelten sich über 5000 Personen und Sonntagabend an die 1000 Personen in Chemnitz aus dem rechten bis rechtsradikal-militanten Spektrum, darunter Neonazis, Hools, Parteien wie der Dritte Weg, die AfD, und verschiedene andere regionale Bündnisse aus rechten Strukturen.

'National shame': 147 Indigenous people die in custody in Australia in a decade

Australia’s shocking treatment of Indigenous people has been laid bare with the publication of new figures by the Guardian showing 147 Indigenous people – some of them children – have died in custody in the past 10 years.

Opposition parties have declared it a “national shame” and Aboriginal groups have demanded the government immediately allow independent monitoring of all detention centres, with Indigenous prisoners as the priority.

Just 2.8% of the Australian population identifies as Indigenous. Yet Indigenous people make up 27% of the prison population, 22% of deaths in prison custody and 19% of deaths in police custody.

Guardian Australia’s investigation into 10 years of deaths in custody cases found serious systemic failings.

(For the complete article click here.)


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