
So now you interested should know who sells you Expresso on the phone

on the phone ...

All started as an open experiment and than a DJane of the Established outed her pity rape story after she made use of her arramgement with a Psychiatry where she can go to in a crisis after she said beeing misabused near some mopeds by a gang that used her sexually for money when she was young ,she is not any more ,and a new friend of us left the one a self helping cafe or a cafe with a self helpingidea that eight years and longer lived his loud and silent live as a contact point for people who want to go out at night weather they feel depressed ,have a problem at home ,fear the majority or violence or are not the nineties hip people or other people find yu stink .A discothek and more are nera and the place was one point in an interstig nightlife scene that had allthe underground bads before they became or got famous .There had been cinema and a place to be yourself in a more social way. The seventies style never seemed to end and was okay next to others .It as cheap .

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