
Let's take care of each other, so we can be dangerous together.

ENGLISH VERSION The Antifa-East trial is a far-reaching blow of the state against the entire left-wing radical and anti-fascist movement. We are aware of this and are generally in solidarity with those affected by repression. In the course of this trial and the Soli campaign, some shitty information about patriarchal behavior of some of the accused and their environment came to light, which stunned us. We have to draw a line here and ask, if a common basis in terms of content exists and whether we have it at all. We have to declare ourselves clearly and critically towards certain persons and their patriarchal behavior, towards perpetrators as well as the perpetrator-protecting environment. It is possible and necessary to criticize and to continue to fight against repression. In addition to the Soli-Antifa-Ost alliance, we also want to call other structures in different cities to account. With all the criticism, frustration and doubts that we have, this case of repression is one that must not remain unanswered by us and instead must be accompanied critically in solidarity. We take the slogan: "Althought some have been hit, all of us were meant" seriously! And we will also react together to every further repressive strike against antifascists. We commit ourselves to militant anti-fascism! We commit ourselves to an active anti-racism!We have decided to organize an anti-patriarchal block, which will be the front of the Day X demo at the end of the ongoing Antifa-East trail. We take the space we deserve and counter the image of the male antifa heroes (macker) with our ideas of feminist, anti-patriarchal and anti-state militancy and anti-fascism.The term anti-patriarchal bloc contradicts our actual assumption that the entire demo should have understood that positioning themselves anti-patriachal is a necessity. Even though we see the principles as a benchmark for the entire demo, the recent events have shown that the concept is still necessary.

Überregionale Demo in Frankfurt: Weg mit dem PKK Verbot!


Ende November jährt sich das Verbot der PKK in Deutschland. Aus diesem Grund mobilisieren die Gruppen des Internationalistischen Aktionsbündnis Frankfurt (IAB) am 29.11.2014 zu einer überregionalen internationalistischen Demonstration in Frankfurt.


Überregional abonnieren