« Auflösung des G7 » - Der Sommerhit zum Tanzen aus Biarritz

Erschienen bei lundimatin#205, 19. August 2019

Weniger als eine Woche vor dem G7-Gipfel von Biarritz bringt La Parisienne Libérée ihren Sommerhit, « Dissolution du G7 », raus.

Außerdem scheint an der Seine eine Art „internationalistisches Fieber“ ausgebrochen zu sein – jedenfalls wurde der Text ins Englische und Baskische übersetzt und sogar im Video entsprechende Untertitel eingestellt…ohlala!

Hier die English – Version und natürlich der Link zum ultimativen Biarritz - Sommerhit.


G7 dissolution!

Niemand glaubt mehr an den Nutzen des G7 und niemand will ihn mehr. Es ist eine Verschwendung öffentlicher Gelder, und die beste Lösung wäre es, ihn schlicht vollständig aufzulösen.(Platform G7EZ)

Hier das Video: https://youtu.be/B9SnEAX3RQo


G7 – The Summit of Relaxation                       

It all began in 75 at Rambouillet                                        
Thanks to the good idea of a French president                
A little cozy date, “chez nous”                                            
Between the US, Europe and Japan                                   

Giscard is young, Giscard is cool                                        
Ultra-modern in his swimming pool                                              
The first edition of the current G7                                     
The annual Summit of Relaxation                                      

 84, it takes place in the UK                                                 
Led by Reagan and Thatcher                                                          
Neoliberalism is taking off                                                  
And hits the old continent hard                                        

96, antiterrorism                                                                 
Becomes the favorite anthem of capitalism                                 
In the Museum of Contemporary Art at Lyon                   
While the Ladies enjoy their aperitif                                             


And while their husbands worked on their cases,                        
their wives did not stint on their pleasures.                                 
(H. Clinton) : “We had a wonderful time !                          
Mrs. Chirac organised a charming schedule.                       
We had a lot of fun, the food was marvelous.
That was a really wonderful trip !”
Tomorrow, the day will focus
on humanitarian and social issues.
 All in all, it’s a well balanced program.  

  (Archive France 3)


Since Geneva, in the summer of 2001        
The protestations are gaining ground        
The response of the Rich Club was brutal 
Hundreds of wounded, one shot dead      

Because, in addition to being a colonial rendezvous,      
A directory for antisocial policies,                                      
A showcase of luxury and vanity                                        
The G7 carries an ill wind…                                                


“The town will host the G7 from August 24 to 26. (…)       
 The entire Basque Country and the south of the               
Landes region (1) will be under massive surveillance.”      

[France 3 Nouvelle-Aquitaine – janvier 2019 – source]


Macron : “Voilà ! There will obviously be a security                      
deployment corresponding to the unprecedented              
and major threat, which is what we owe to the                 

inhabitants of Biarritz and the Basque Country.”                

[E. Macron – mai 2019 – source],


G7Ez ! No to G7 !                          

In this area, this subject makes people angry       
Some talk of sharpening their axes                        
Others suggest it would be better                          
To throw this G7 into the fire                                            

Or perhaps break it,                                                
Destroy it, smash it                                                 
In order to dismantle or dissolve it
Why not invoke lightening ?

To us feasts and barricades !                                  
Enough is enough of these masquerades !
Down with war and its business                 
Down with money and its promises                       


Long live the G7 !                         

But luckily, the G7 also has its Fan Club.     

“And that is why the Basque Country          
 is from now on a franchise, a product !      
And this product, Ladies and Gentlemen, we’re gonna      
use the opportunity of this G7 to sell ! Yes !”

 [G7 Fan Club – 16 février 2019 – source]


Long live democracy, long live capital !                
Long live the big banks and multinationals !        
Long live finance and the market !                        
Long live, long live the G7 !                        

Growth, employment ! The entire country is in joy                     
So proud to welcome you on its territory                         
Tell your guests they can relax                                           
We leave them the keys, the lighthouse and the cliffs     


Thank you, thank you, thank you for having chosen        
The seaside town, thanks a lot                                          
On the occasion of your G7, we’re gonna party !             
In your honour all sing together :                                      


Chili, foie gras, picturesque valleys            
Piperade and axoa, pelota and ham,         
Come and shop, to save the planet                       
The icing is inside the cake ! All to the casino !    


G7, only one solution : dissolution !                      


« All to the casino ! »


(1) Gegend nördlich von Biarritz

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