Athen: Neuer Besatzungsplan für Exarchia in den Medien vorgestellt

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In einer Phase täglicher Medienberichte über Luftraumverletzungen türkischer Kampfjets im Mittelmeer, täglicher Hetze gegen den "Ansturm" von Kriegsflüchtlingen auf griechische Inseln und Erfolgsmeldungen der Polizei gegen die Kriminalität in Athen, wurde heute ein neuer Plan zur polizeilichen Besatzung von Exarchia veröffentlicht, der übersetzt ungefähr folgendes bewirbt:

"The new police operational plan for the prevention and repression of crime in the Exarchia area is being launched today, with police officers from many services, K-9 dogs and ELAS drones.
Specifically, according to the plan, a total of 90 police officers (30 per shift) will be patrolled daily on foot and onboard in Exarchia. In particular, according to ELAS, police officers from the Crime Prevention Teams (OPKE), DIAS, "Action", Drug Enforcement, Aliens and Traffic Police will participate. There will also be police dogs in the patrols, while the ELAS drone. will constantly broadcast images to the Business Center.

As far as MAT are concerned, the new business plan foresees that they will be removed from Exarchia most of the day, while squads will be at specific points only in the evening, unless necessary in specific cases.
"This plan, along with some other police actions, is going to make a decisive contribution to the prevention and suppression of crime in Exarchia. The police presence will be constant and the citizens will feel safe, "police sources told the Athens-Macedonian News Agency."

  Die griechische Regierung scheint dabei das Papier "Urban Operations in the Year 2020" als Drehbuch zu benutzen.

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