Solidarität mit den Gefährt*innen in Griechenland.
On the 31st of October a bomb exploded in Athens.
The anarchist Kyriakos Xymitiris died after the explosion. Marianna is injured and abducted by the police. Today she sits in a prison without medical support regardless her condition. Two more people are arrested for the same incident. Here is the only information that we can rely on, all the rest is a disgraceful, disrespectful and disgusting game of the media, to present all four of them as terrorists, enemies of the humanity and dangerous for us all.
We have news for the lords of this society.
There is no other terrorist in this planet , except from the states themselves. We value the human life more than anything and we show that to our every day fight. We are enemies of the states who demote us, using discrimination, rascist profiles, partiarchical hierarchies and unhuman laws for the vulnerable classes of the society. Marianna is not alone, our anarchist partners in prison are not alone.
In any country around the world we are watching. We are gonna take our revenge for everything that you let happen to our comrades.
We leave noone alone in the hands of the state. We stand in solidarity with all the political prisoners around the world.
From Tübingen to Athens the fire of our struggles is continuing burning.
We will never forget Kyriakos!!