Please sign: save the forest of the Penan people!

Dear friends of the rainforests, Corruption and greed are driving the destruction of the Mulu rainforest, a treasure trove of biodiversity in Sarawak, a state of Malaysia, and trampling the rights of the indigenous people who live there. Unless we speak out, 4,400 hectares of forest near Mulu National Park — Sarawak’s only UNESCO World Heritage Site — will be cleared and converted into a vast oil palm monoculture.


Dear friends of the rainforests,

Corruption and greed are driving the destruction of the Mulu rainforest, a treasure trove of biodiversity in Sarawak, a state of Malaysia, and trampling the rights of the indigenous people who live there. Unless we speak out, 4,400 hectares of forest near Mulu National Park — Sarawak’s only UNESCO World Heritage Site — will be cleared and converted into a vast oil palm monoculture.

The Penan and Berawan people are resisting the destruction of their forest tooth and nail. Yet they are going to need a wave of international support to succeed against an unholy alliance of corrupt politicians, businessmen and international banks.

Please support our joint campaign with Swiss NGO Bruno Manser Fonds and tell the Malaysian government to stop this ecological madness — for the climate, for biodiversity, and for the rights of the indigenous people who have inhabited the forest for generations.

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Thanks for being involved,

Reinhard Behrend
Rainforest Rescue (Rettet den Regenwald e.V.)

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Rainforest Rescue
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