The urgency to take action against war worldwide is obvious to all. The ultimate escalation to a globally devastating war seems much easier to imagine than a future without war. The destruction of the earth seems closer than the liberation from any domination. It's time for us as anarchists to stand up and organize internationally with a new show of force against all war and military.
We, an "Initiative for a Global Week of Action against all war and military", decided in Saint-Imier at the anti-authoritarian meeting 2023 to network across national borders (and continents). We decided to call for a week of action, as a first step in the perspective of a broad anarchist anti-militarist coordination. We have different analyses and are excited to discuss them for the future.
We share a common view on war and military. As anarchists we are also anti-militarists and in this sense, we stand against military, against armament companies, against nationalism and against capitalism/neoliberalism as well as against patriarchy and (neo-)colonialism. Even if we are late with this call: we want to make visible the many struggles against war, militarization and the war industry that are developing in many places around the world and that can meet and connect in moments of common action.
here you find also version in greek published online
IN YOUR CITY from November 17 to 25, 2023.
War generates suffering, misery, death and destruction with devastating consequences in the lives of billions of people; war disproportionately affects the already oppressed, exploited and dispossessed; war fuels authoritarian and nationalist processes; war reinforces and reproduces the patriarchal system; war accelerates colonial and racist policies; war is driven, among other things, by the profits of the military-industrial-technological complex; war slows down, blocks and destroys emancipatory and revolutionary processes; war destroys people's social, solidarity and friendship relations with each other; war exacerbates the disaster of the climate crisis and the destruction of livelihoods of humans and many other living beings. While astronomical sums are pumped into the steel-armored apparatus of aggression, there is a lack of funds everywhere for the promotion of empathic human qualities such as health, welfare, care or education.
The painful state of what is: tirelessly rotating assembly lines of arms and munitions corporations blast the hardware of patriarchal aggression across Mother Earth around the clock so that a few can secure their supremacy within constructed, hierarchical systems at the expense of many.
The urgency to become active worldwide against war and militarism arises from the violent and catastrophic realities that often have their starting point in the quest for power and profits of the European and other countries and the arms industries.
In patriarchy, power is always concentrated where the game of oppression and exploitation is most ruthlessly dominated. It is no coincidence that the very states most guilty of nameless outrages of colonial exploitation and genocidal crimes are also the ones that historically have the longest tradition of increasingly sophisticated mass production of instruments of war and its fine-tuned strategic deployment. With resource-intensive threat scenarios, concrete annihilation strikes, Fortress Europe, or the artificially extended attritional carnage of conventional wars, this fossil-fueled domination keeps us locked in a repetitive loop of traumatization, death, and destruction.
In addition to the countless wars currently being waged around the world, there are numerous devastated regions and societies where wars have officially ended, but militarized violence continues. Many wars are presented as 'ethnic conflicts' and never officially declared such as the war against refugees and poorer migrants. Currently, two billion people live in conflict zones.
The power structures that exist around the world are based on the availability of oppressive military structures: the armies themselves, private armies, intelligence services, border guards, official police forces, private police-like institutions like securities, militias, and the political-administrative apparatuses which support all of the above. What they all have in common is a normalized and sometimes even bureaucratically endorsed ability to control, injure, and kill people. The widespread acceptance of militaristic violence is based on ideologies and mindsets that normalize disasters as a "necessary evil." Its purpose is to guarantee the continued exploitation of people and natural resources that constitutes capitalism, colonalism,patriarchy or neoliberalism.
We invite individuals, groups, collectives, networks and organizations that share an anti-militarist and internationalist perspective of resistance to all war and militarism to organize actions from November 17 to 25, 2023. Each person can support and spread this call and organize those initiatives that they consider appropriate to their local circumstances. Small actions are also welcome.
With this call, we want to increase visibility for the many struggles that are developing locally against war, militarization, and the war industries, and are related to other struggles against patriarchy and colonialism.
Against all war and militarism
Against the arms industries, the arms trade and the profit that is made with militarism
Against (neo)colonial expansion and occupation through military institutions
Against the continuous dehumanization, murders and genocides of Black, Brown and Indigenous people
Against patriarchal domination, queer and trans hostility, and gendered violence as a practice of torture and war
Against the normalized ableist, classist, and racist categorization into "worthy" lives
Against the plundering of all natural resources and the destruction of ecosystems through relentless extractivism
Against colonial, patriarchal and capitalist exploitation
Against all borders and against the war against refugees and migrants
Against nationalism, against all state-organized armies and militaristic structures
For internationalist and transnational solidarity
For the support of strikes and struggles of the working class against war
For a life-enabling environment, earth and future for all coming generations
For solidarity with the deserters and saboteurs of all wars
For freedom of movement for all
For solidarity with the oppressed, exploited and dispossessed
For a decolonial, queer-feminist and internationalist revolutionary process
For many anti-militarist, anti-authoritarian and anarchist groups to join us
For a future for all
"Anarchist Initiative for Global Days of Action Against Militarism and All Wars"
here you find version in greek published online