One more called eviction from the red-red-green Berlin senate, another displacement in favor of the interests of big real estate capital, one more step in the total sell out of the city and the attack on its self-organized and alternative spaces and infrastructure.
On the 19th of May the eviction of the youth center Potse is scheduled. One space that has hosted generations of the emancipatory scene in Berlin. Potse has been for the last decades a meeting point for various people. Young people have the chance to socialize away from parents, teachers and cops control. A self organized place from young people to young people, away from commercial logic and working against hierarchies, racism, and sexism. Friendships have been created, political groups have been formed, banners have been painted, manifestations and demonstrations have been organized. A place were youth from all over the country can set their own terms of collectivity, self-organize and from below.
Instead of a demo after the eviction (19.5), this time we call for a demo on day before (18.5), in the area of Schöneberg. In case the eviction goes through, we call people to join the Mietenwahnsinn demo on Sunday 23.5, 13Uhr at Potsdamerplatz.
The typical eviction might take place with the entering of the baillif in the morning, but is in fact set up, protected and made possible days before by the creation of a red zone by the state and the mass presence of cops guarding it. The aim for the demo is not to let the state to set the red zone and its undisturbed, but show our clear opposition and resistance to this.
We also choose to call for a demonstration in Schöneberg, where Potse stands now for decades. A neighborhood that is under the constant attack of gentrification the past years, through huge real estate projects being pushed by the senate, the bezirk and big real-estate capital. A neighborhood with a long lasting history of struggles: from the center of the Gay and Lesbian community in Berlin, attacked by the Nazis in the 1930s, the alternative and squatting scene of the 1970s and 1980s which Potse grew out of, to the immigrant silvester-celebrations that the cops try to suppress every year. Potse is anchored in this kiez, part and creator of its character and its struggles and our goal is to make this clear to politicians, cops and investors. Potse, self-organization, youth culture from below has been, is and will be a part of the neighborhood and a part of our city.
Against the city of the richDefend youth culture from belowDefend Potse Day X-1 Demo – Tuesday 18.5 – 20.00 – Nollendorfplatz Interkiezionale