My name is: Number 13 - My experiences as a refugee in Germany!

Let me introduce my self as refugee number (13) as my name. I would have liked to put my real name
not my family’s name but I had many problems and I still have!
I came from a middle eastern country escaping from horrible dictatorships that never ended. And will
not end as long as the global society is not educated enough to clean up the mess. To kill the ignorance,
To fight physically if necessary to even protect themselves. Because for decades people are violently
slaughtered.. Historically SOCIETY has been prevented from knowing its rights and the basics of the
humans’ liberties........

Let me introduce my self as refugee number (13) as my name. I would have liked to put my real name
not my family’s name but I had many problems and I still have!
I came from a middle eastern country escaping from horrible dictatorships that never ended. And will
not end as long as the global society is not educated enough to clean up the mess. To kill the ignorance,
To fight physically if necessary to even protect themselves. Because for decades people are violently
slaughtered.. Historically SOCIETY has been prevented from knowing its rights and the basics of the
humans’ liberties whatever your country, color, ideology, vision, religion and name. And that is why I
always have a problems with the systems which are fucking everything up. Wherever you are. Laws
and rules which are made by the systems that are not for human beings. but it works for just some other
species not all the species!! There for of what I have seen, I know how the systems consider the people,
whether these people are their own people or other people from different SOCIETIES as refugees or
migrants. SO I AM A REFUGEE.
I heard a lot about the racism, capitalism and the nationalism of U.K, U.S.A, ITALY, FRANCE,
GERMANY, TURKEY, HUNGARY and Northern European countries.. And Germany had done
enough that is quite near the colonialism during the kidnapping of the “BLACK PEOPLE” from Africa
the continent to the continent that called U.S.A by some European countries. As they took people as
slaves from Africa as Africa and its culture weakened, and still until now as the consequences of these
brutal crimes, especially with EDUCATION, health, and architecture. so not a big deal ): Northern
Europe including Germany is messing up again!. I compare this to the isolation, treatment and the
deportation camps that were created for the JEWS, ROM*NJA AND SENTE*ZZA, LGBTIQ AND

The sickness is still living in the cells!
The history is repeating its self but in a slow motion!
The people are being manipulated and distracted. In the ignorance that well suited, as the beauty of
understanding the media, and how it works. And how the SOCIETY considers everything else, as a
result of that, the SOCIETY believes all kind of made up lyings, fake stories and events.
Now the people in Germany are consciously and thoughtfully avoiding how other people just like them,
who Have hair like them, have legs and arms like them, have sex orientations like them, have colors
like them, are being isolated and used as slaves for clear labor. Thanking back the state’s hospitality and
the pride. What an ugly ego (?!), [I meant the majority of people in Germany]. Because, a lot of that
majority see the wrong and avoid even to look at it, by doing this consciously and unconsciously they
give the system more chances to FUCK UP the refugees by any law or rule, not considering that the
system wants exactly that!. The SYSTEM is already destroying its own people by spoiling the idea of
privacy, the GLOBAL CLIMATECHANGE. Spying on them 24 hours through the surveillances’
cameras and the cell phones, even energy beaming them!!
That is how people get distracted. These are my opinions and could say I am wrong
though! kiss my Ass.

The system has an awful procedure for the refugees.
They told me that I am not allowed to have money more than 100 Euros, 150 Euros, or 200 Euros hmm
as I remember. I said ‘I do not have that money’ They did not believe me, then they checked me
physically. If I had more, they are allowed to take it ya.
HORST was my nightmare [the camp].
Here is the trick, the translator skipped some things that I said, so I had to be angry with him to fix the
shit even though I asked for an ENGLISH interview. At the same time there was a back ground song
that says {I am a human after all do not put your blame on me}. They were playing such a song through

the radio or PC, I do not care, but it did not make sense to me in such a place. Why are they playing
such a song, and it is in English? Why do they not want to speak in English with me then?!
At one of the offices I asked in ENGLISH about some translation and some documents. The employees
were having fun talking in GERMAN, they stopped suddenly looking at their screens in complete
silence. They Ignored me while I was asking them. So when I went louder by my voice, they could not
keep their silence anymore then just one employee said [ KEIN ENGLISH ], There were five of them.
Then why the fuck they do that in such a job? [simple because they are fucking RACISTS]. I felt like
I’m a stinky rat that must be gotten rid of...
The translator gave me a German paper to sign and he was the only one who was translating it to me
even though I told him that I do not trust him or any other translator. So I had to sign it because they do
not give it in any other language!!!!!!! FUCKING AWESOME.
I spent at least 8 hours at the last interview. I was super sick so I gave them what the doctor wrote to me
to put it in my file. guess what? They did not put that in my file even though I told my lawyer, they still
have not put it in my file. It was not in ENGLISH as I asked, they did not give a shit about what I
asked. I had given them personal information twice and that proved who I was, they do it by such
communications between them and the person’s GOVERNMENT if that possible. It is always possible
except if you are Syrian or Iraqian, so I am not both.

The interviewer had done many written mistakes, the interviewer doesn’t fucking type, just speaks
through the Mic then automatically writes the words. It took two times to correct the written mistakes.
The mistakes can really screw up your whole life but they do not care about our lives. Anyway they are
just faking it, in the third time I asked to see it again then the interviewer was fed up and said that [ I
will recheck it at the next Monday then I will send you the interview ].. (shortcut).
There was no time left to check it again for real. I did all that because I know my rights as a human
being and the law here for the refugees and their limited rights. even though I used as much as I can of
those limited rights, I was lucky with that! WHAT ABOUT OTHER PEOPLE WHOM KNOW

I went to the hospital many times, and the nurses or the doctors sort people in lines while the German
people are watching the line show of the refugees and how they were looking at us like we were nasty
animals. I had been in the hospital, there I got a racist treatment by yelling at me in German, and one
nurse touched my chin talking to me in ego and mentioning DEUTSCH LAND many times.
she did the same to a refugee old man, but did not touch him. A doctor came to me after I wrote some
polite words to stop them from being racists. The doctor put it away by him self without asking me then
I put it back then he tried to convince me to put it away but I refused. Then he asked me if I eat meat or
not, I told him that I am a vegetarian and I do not eat meat then he asked me about my religion. I said
that I do not believe in GOD and it is the way to the FASCISM, then he said “ cool because we do not
know what to do with these Muslim people they do not eat meat, our meat? Ha ridiculous “.(shortcut).
Back to the camp. I forgot to mention that there is no privacy at all and no keys for the rooms. Public
toilets and sinks are broken and some bathrooms’ doors not working. Moving out from that shitty place
to another place where are two roommates with me.

I got this paper, after
my roommates read it, (See the picture as attached below) one of them went
[ Ooof FUCK ME ].
The other one said
[what the FUCK is wrong with these people we are not their FUCKING SLAVES]. The senses that I got were mixed between sadness and laughing hysterically, the feeling was more sad, they laughed too. Our situation as refugees is horrible but at least still some fun left. We are trying to find a way out of being depressed. The system thinks that we are OK with such racist behaviors, and we must be thankful for that we are here and alive. {Being treated without humanely}. In HORST the security staff check everyday. They target anyone who is not organized, or having some dust under her/his bed orkind of trash, as a result to cut money of the social money. They allow work for refugees in HORST but for 1.30, 1.50 or 1.80 something like that per hour!! IT IS FUCKING SLAVERY. And finally the foreign authority do not want to give me the permission to move and to travel by the public transportation to other places.[FUCKING AWESOME]That is a shortcut of what I saw and experienced during the procedure..

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