No Refugee is Criminal - Deportation is Collective Crime and Corruption
No Refugee is Criminal - Deportation is Collective Crime and Corruption:
In Solidarity with North African Deportees and Victims of Deportation from Germany.
No human being should be subject to discrimination because of manner of dressing, skin colour, gender, religion or sexual orientation. Crime has no nationality, ethnicity or geographical location. No refugee is criminal just because s/he is asking for asylum. Anybody, whatever the origin, with minimum honesty and ability to differentiate between subjugation and equality, would sign this sentence.
No Refugee is Criminal - Deportation is Collective Crime and Corruption:
In Solidarity with North African Deportees and Victims of Deportation from Germany.
No human being should be subject to discrimination because of manner of dressing, skin colour, gender, religion or sexual orientation. Crime has no nationality, ethnicity or geographical location. No refugee is criminal just because s/he is asking for asylum. Anybody, whatever the origin, with minimum honesty and ability to differentiate between subjugation and equality, would sign this sentence.
For years, if not decades, activists of The VOICE Refugee Forum and African Community Networks have been calling for the respect of the rights of refugees, especially female refugees to be respected. Discrimination, Sexual harassment, rape and deportations have always been a daily experience for some of our Refugees sisters in the hands of the Officials of the Asylum Isolation Lagers. There had been also cases involving the Police and even recorded cases in deportation Prisons but such complaints were never investigated because they were refugees.
The recent incidents in Cologne haven proven how Germany could react to such age long problem that was underplayed by the state is bring to mind great suspicion.
It is definitely because it involves a Refugee at this Stage.
The reality of this crime having existed is questionable because the Police has not been able to provide any tangible report on the issue.
We are very convinced with the fact that;
The Cologne incidents have been used by the German state to continue it’s racist policies against refugees and what are we learning from the mainstream media propaganda, fanning the fire for German and European right-wing movements to burn us all!?
The Cologne incidence as a calculated attempt to legitimate further criminalisation of all Refugees and to mobilise public interest in support of Germanys Culture of deportation and exclusion.
What role are our so-called progressive movements playing in the light of massive attack and discrimination of migrants from particular regions, against a backdrop of public hate and isolation, racial profiling and deportations through state mechanisms like the police?
We have the collective responsibility to defend women and men from any act of Harrassment and
to denounce any of such incidence.
We are calling on refugees/Asylum seekers and Migrants to build trustworthy Communities to strengthen our solidarity against the continuous inhumane treatments in Germany and Europe. Self-organization goes beyond telling our stories and our problems to the others. It’s objective should be empowering an independent political platform and self-determination in the refugee community with refugee activists and for the refugees.
Spread the Call for solidarity from the refugee networks with the North African community - BRING YOUR SOLIDARITY WITH THE NORTH AFRICAN COMMUNITY
Breaking News:
Cologne: Only three out of 58 men arrested over mass sex attack on New
Year's Eve were refugees from Syria or Iraq
On the Breaking News:
Cologne: Only three out of 58 men arrested over mass sex attack on New
Year's Eve were refugees from Syria or Iraq
"It is not known yet if the arrested 3 refugees actually committed the assault on any woman in Cologne. Even if they did, does it worth the worldwide scandal... this is an organized crime against refugees to propagate the daily racism, discrimination and most especially to consolidate the German deportation culture." We cannot accept it.
No Refugee is Criminal - Deportation is Collective Crime and Corruption