Amazon fires set to grab land

This is no accident. Farmers, land grabbers and cattle ranchers deliberately set Amazon rain forest fires to clear large areas of forest quickly so they can seize the land. We’re fighting back and we’re asking you to join us.

The lungs of our planet are on fire. It’s an emergency and we need your help. 

We’ve been fighting alongside the tribal peoples who call the Amazon their home for 50 years, and we’re writing to you now on their behalf.

Share the petitionIt’s deeply shocking to see satellite images of vast areas of rainforest ablaze, but what’s even more frightening is… this was no accident.

Farmers, land grabbers and cattle ranchers deliberately set fires in order to clear large areas of forest quickly so they can seize the land.

It’s been going on for years, but has reached a crisis… thanks to the toxic policies and rhetoric of Brazil’s President, Jair Bolsonaro.

We’re fighting back and we’re asking you to join us.

 Since 1969, we’ve run more than 50 successful campaigns in Brazil. That’s more than one win for every year we’ve existed. We need you to make sure we win again now. 

This is more urgent than ever. The Amazon is at breaking point.


For tribes, for nature, for all humanity, thank you.

  Share the petitionIt’s deeply shocking to see satellite images of vast areas of rainforest ablaze, but what’s even more frightening is… this was no accident.

Farmers, land grabbers and cattle ranchers deliberately set fires in order to clear large areas of forest quickly so they can seize the land.

It’s been going on for years, but has reached a crisis… thanks to the toxic policies and rhetoric of Brazil’s President, Jair Bolsonaro.

We’re fighting back and we’re asking you to join us.

Share the petitionSince 1969, we’ve run more than 50 successful campaigns in Brazil. That’s more than one win for every year we’ve existed. We need you to make sure we win again now. 

This is more urgent than ever. The Amazon is at breaking point.


For tribes, for nature, for all humanity, thank you.

Share the petition ShareTweetForward
P.S. We reject government funding and shady corporate money so our integrity is never compromised. We rely entirely on your donations to keep fighting for tribal peoples worldwide. Please donate today. Without you, there can be no Survival.

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