Roma Community Rise Up! - Break Deportation Culture
In the past weeks and months, many Rromany families have been deported to so-called safe countries of origin, to those Balkan states like Albania, Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegowina, Kosovo, Mazedonia, Montenegro countries where discrimination and threats of persecution make up the horrible everyday life of Rromanies. Further deportations have been announced and more countries are to be declared safe countries, including the deportation of refugees to Afganistan and other countries.
Roma Community Rise Up! - Break Deportation Culture
Published on Feb 24, 2015
Roma Communities are most Isolated group of Refugees in lager in Germany.
They are facing discrimination, isolation, criminalization and deportation
daily by government and constitutions.
The Roma Community Thüringen start it own activities since months for self
empowerment and break isolation.
Rally in Erfurt 10.2.2015:
Deportation is criminal and We fight to stop it!
Break Deportation Culture
THE VOICE Refugee Forum – Community Network
March 28, 2016
In the past weeks and months, many Rromany families have been deported to so-called safe countries of origin, to those Balkan states like Albania, Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegowina, Kosovo, Mazedonia, Montenegro countries where discrimination and threats of persecution make up the horrible everyday life of Rromanies. Further deportations have been announced and more countries are to be declared safe countries, including the deportation of refugees to Afganistan and other countries.
Those refusing to sign the cynical documents for voluntary repatriation of the German foreigners registration office (Ausländerbehörde) live in the perpetual fear of being deported without notice to countries where some of them even face death threats.
People are deported without notice and without public interest: Hundreds of thousands of people seeking refuge in Germany without the numbers of the several thousands refugees from Syria, Kurdish, Turkey, Iran and Iraq, Somalia, Eritrea, who could not enter into Germany are all affected by such threats: people from North and West Africans countries as Marokko, Algeria and Tunesia, Senegal, Ghana, Camerun, Nigeria, Ethiopia, Uganda, Sudan, Togo Gambia and many more. No refugee of any country is actually free from the threat of deportation and the right to political asylum is not guaranteed in Germany and Europe.
In times of aggressive attack on asylum laws in Germany and of an increased level of violence and right wing mass mobilisations against refugees to accelerate the total abolition of the right to asylum while the state is humiliating the right to security of the refugees in Germany, we want to offer common opposition against these crimes by the German state.
Politicians of the ruling parties are instigating for the deportation of thousand refugees everyday while the pro fascist parties went as far as calling for authorizing the police to shoot the refugees at sight at the national borders.
In Solidarity with the Refugee Community
Let us unite to end the deportation and social exclusion in Germany!
That's why we have to discuss and come together.
Join the local groups for discussions ...
Deportation is criminal and We fight to stop it!
The Political MOVEMENT - Appeal to Refugee Communities for Solidarity Network in Germany and Europe
For for a life decided by our quest for a free society, equality and human dignity.
The VOICE Refugee Forum – Community Network in Germany
The VOICE Refugee Forum is an independent community network of refugee political activists who are fighting for the respect of our human rights in equality, freedom and human dignity, for the basic existence of life, in human dignity and for Freedom of Movement.
Weekly meeting in Jena -Thueringen: Every Thursday at 6pm in our office (Schillergäßchen 5), 07745 Jena