Solidarity with Lollo
On the night of Wednesday the 18th October many people were arrested in the streets around Sonnenallee (Neukölln, Berlin), where people were expressing their solidarity with people under attack in Gaza. Amongst the arrested was an italian person, who until now (November the 6th) is detained in the JVA Moabit. Except the accusations which are raised against him, the reason to keep him in preventive detention is mainly because the judge doubted his address in Berlin
***german and italian below***
On the night of Wednesday the 18th October many people were arrested in the streets around Sonnenallee (Neukölln, Berlin), where people were expressing their solidarity with people under attack in Gaza. Amongst the arrested was an italian person, who until now (November the 6th) is detained in the JVA Moabit.
Except the accusations which are raised against him, the reason to keep him in preventive detention is mainly because the judge doubted his address in Berlin.
In germany in the last decades, the struggle of palestinian people has been suppressed and their history distorted in the name of antisemitism. In a country with such a dark history, the demonisation of the palestinian struggle for liberation works as a tool for germans and the western world to washout their guilt and cover their own antisemitism and islamophobia, to sustain colonialist policies and establish their power worldwide. Practically that meant that palestinian voices have been silenced, palestinian struggles and culture criminalized and palestinian organisations and days of remembrance have been banned. During the last months german politics have been getting more aggressive and this has led to the ban of any type of demonstration and solidarity with palestinian realities.
This repression has made people spontaneously take the streets in Sonnenallee. The german state has reacted with a militarisation of the area, random arrests and controls based on racial profiling, trying to create the image of "the dangerous Arab".
As anarchists, we do not support any fundamentalist organisation and ideas. Instead we stand with the oppressed people in Gaza, Berlin streets and everywhere else in this world and with jewish people fighting the right wing government in israel.
Nobody left alone in the hands of their democracy.
In der Nacht zum Mittwoch, den 18. Oktober, wurden in der Sonnenallee (Neukölln, Berlin) zahlreiche Menschen festgenommen, die ihre Solidarität mit den in Gaza angegriffenen Menschen zum Ausdruck brachten. Unter den Festgenommenen war auch eine Person aus Italien, die bis heute (6. November) in der JVA Moabit inhaftiert ist. Abgesehen von den Vorwürfen, die gegen ihn erhoben werden, ist der Grund für die Untersuchungshaft vor allem, dass der Richter die Adresse in Berlin angezweifelt hat.
In Deutschland wurde in den letzten Jahrzehnten der Kampf palästinensischer Menschen unterdrückt und ihre Geschichte im Namen des Antisemitismus verzerrt. In einem Land mit einer so dunklen Geschichte dient die Dämonisierung des palästinensischen Befreiungskampfes den Deutschen und der westlichen Welt dazu, ihre Schuld abzuwaschen und ihren eigenen Antisemitismus und ihre Islamophobie zu verbergen, um ihre kolonialistische Politik aufrechtzuerhalten und ihre Macht weltweit zu festigen. In der Praxis bedeutet das, dass palästinensische Stimmen zum Schweigen gebracht, palästinensische Kämpfe und Kultur kriminalisiert und palästinensische Organisationen und Gedenktage verboten wurden.
In den letzten Monaten wurde die deutsche Politik immer aggressiver, was dazu führte, dass jede Art von Demonstration und Solidarität mit der palästinensischen Realität verboten wurde.
Diese Repression hat dazu geführt, dass die Menschen in der Sonnenallee spontan auf die Straße gegangen sind. Der deutsche Staat reagierte darauf mit Militarisierung der Gegend, willkürlichen Verhaftungen und Kontrollen auf der Grundlage von Racial Profiling und versuchte das Bild des "gefährlichen Arabers" zu schaffen.
Als Anarchist*innen unterstützen wir keine fundamentalistischen Organisationen und Ideen. Stattdessen stehen wir an der Seite unterdrückter Menschen in Gaza, auf den Straßen Berlins, überall sonst auf der Welt und an der Seite jüdischer
(und nicht-jüdischer) Menschen im Kampf gegen die rechte Regierung in Israel.
Niemand wird in den Händen ihrer Demokratie allein gelassen.
La sera di mercoledì 18 ottobre molte persone sono state arrestate nelle strade intorno a Sonnenallee (Neukölln, Berlino), dove i manifestanti esprimevano la loro solidarietà con i palestinesi sotto attacco a Gaza. Tra gli arrestati c'era anche un italiano, che fino ad oggi (6 novembre) è detenuto nel carcere di Moabit.
A parte le accuse che gli sono state rivolte, il motivo principale della detenzione preventiva è dovuto al rifiuto, da parte del giudice, di considerare valido il suo indirizzo di residenza a Berlino.
In Germania, negli ultimi decenni, la storia della Palestina è stata distorta in nome di un appoggio incondizionato allo stato israeliano. La demonizzazione della lotta di liberazione palestinese è servita ai tedeschi e al mondo occidentale per lavare i propri sensi di colpa, coprire il proprio razzismo e sostenere politiche colonialiste.
In pratica, ciò ha significato che le voci, le lotte e la cultura palestinesi sono state messe a tacere. Organizzazioni e manifestazioni sono state criminalizzate e bandite.
Nonostante la repressione, le persone non hanno smesso di scendere spontaneamente in strada. Lo Stato tedesco ha reagito con una militarizzazione di Neukölln, con arresti casuali e controlli basati sul "racial profiling", cercando di creare l'immagine dell'"arabo pericoloso".
Come anarchici, non sosteniamo alcuna organizzazione o idea fondamentalista. Siamo invece al fianco del popolo di Gaza, nelle strade di Berlino e in ogni altra parte del mondo, al fianco di palstinesi, ebrei e tutti gli antisionisti che combattono contro l'oppressione israeliana.
Nessuno è lasciato solo nelle mani dello Stato.
Solidarietà a tutte le persone arrestate