the limits of what is tolerable: When pacifism turns into violence. GAFFAs introduction.

We have attacked the energy supply of the coal bunker at garzweiler 1 on the evening of the 6th of december. Parts of the infrastructure were shut down. Read about who we are and why we did that in the article.

Violence-free pacifism kills, because it protects the state, capital and authoritarian power. It protects the murderous,hegeonic monetary regime and its puppet-like accomplices. It prevents a radical left-green transformation of society. Paradoxically, its most solid crutch is the german-speaking climate justice movement.

Although decades of protests have not only failed to change the system but have shown that the system is not going to change magically on its own, the german left still clings tightly to the unrealistic lie, that it could -somehow- be nonviolent to allow monstrous companies and colonial systems to make profit by destroying the life of all living being- not only, bust mostly in regions which are already heavily affected by the climate catastrophe. Decades of press conferences, demonstrations and blockades have caused the incorporation of left-wing movements into the governing systems, not the change of these systems.

Although the climate justice movement obviously follows a way leading into a dead end, any deviation from the imperative of nonviolence is treated like a danger to the movement and as betrayal of it.

We, a group of guerilla activists, believe that it is an inherent pacifistic act of humanity to stop a death-bringing, violent system with violence. We are furious, frustrated and full of enthusiasm, because climate justice will never be accomplished in such a hierarchical, capitalistic and colonial system.

We hope to reach everyone who is as frustrated and as angry on this regime and -partly- on our movement as we are: Because the system we live in does not know any scientific reason and because the movement which we are part of refuses to discuss the meaning of violence within protests strictly.

This text is intends to give strength and courage to those who share our ideas and concerns. Organize! Dont subordinate to the lookalike-superiority of money and state and do not let yourselves be worn down by all the polemical discussions about nonviolence that try to deny militancy its legitimacy. To accomplish change in society quickly,  diversity of tactics is necessary: That includes militancy.

We want to emphasize that we dont neglect the legitimacy of any form protest or withdraw our solidarity. More likely, we want to explain ourselves and confess us to the attack on the power supply of rwes coal infrastructure on he 6th of december in rhineland, north rhine westfalia, germany. We burned a  major part of the cable harness which supplys energy to wide areas of the coal bunker, forcing parts of it to shut down. The most of the cable harness needs to be exchanged. At least, we have shut down some of the death-bringing shit, that rwe does each and every day, for a few hours.

It is surprising that the discussion about nonviolence and its definition is still being conducted, having in mind the long tradition of militant strategies of the global left: Contrary to the propaganda spread in almost all parts of society, no successful social movement of the last century was nonviolent. Militant groupings, whose tactics made it difficult to be absorbed by the ruling power, were always part of them.

Beause no other form of action exploits the predictability of the capitalist system more precisely, we continue a tradition of left-wing guerrilla actions. We hope there will be more such groups and actions in the future and that no fellows will fall into the traps of the police and its surveillance. Moreover, we dont want anyone to start from scratch: Thats why we will publish some important key points of our action within the next days.

We are aware that there are countless aspects of climate justice and climate catastrophe that we cannot cover in this letter. But we promise that enough letters will follow to work through them one by one.

For now, we will focus on the definitions that are important to us, including 'guerrilla' and 'anarchy' in the namesake acronym 'GAFFAA' (for 'Guerrilla Activists Fighting For Anarchy').

We understand anarchism as a theory of the rejection of hierarchies, authorities, and thus any form of discrimination. It advocates solidarity-based self-organized and needs-oriented structures. In practice, anarchism leads to anarchy, to anarchism in action and deed. We are convinced that climate justice, as a concept that can logically only be conceived globally, can only be realized within anarchy.

We understand guerilla as a militant struggle of insurgents, a form of resistance emerging from civil society and as tactic to damage the capitalist system efficiently

Our goal is to continue this strategy until capitalism is defeated: We will oppose its permanent murder and the terror of state as long and as strong as we can.

The fact that it is a constant struggle to overcome the imprints of the system we -partly- live in is not meant to excuse the mistakes we possibly make. We are aware of the barriers within this text and of the necessity to discuss them.

One of the rare subjects not meant to be discussed is the reason of our actions: Inaction in the face of the global horror of capitalism is aiding and abetting murder.

The revolution says:
i was
I am
I will be


GAFFA says: See you soon!

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