This is our moment

In the face of rising temperatures, extreme weather and damage to the places we love and rely on, there is a devastating lack of courage, vision and leadership on climate change in [the Australian] Parliament right now. This week, we’ve heard news that Malcolm Turnbull intends to throw the last scraps of a climate policy in the bin. [1] Meanwhile, both Labor and the LNP continue to support Adani’s climate disaster of a coal mine, even as Adani gets closer and closer to financing the project. (For the full text click on the headline.)

It’s going to take an even stronger movement to stand up against fossil fuel interests and fight for a future we can be proud of. Donate $30 or sign up to our For the Love of the Reef challenge today.

It’s outrageous that, in the face of overwhelming scientific evidence and public support for action on climate change, the politicians that are supposed to represent us are instead doing the bidding of fossil fuel companies.

We are so lucky to live in a society where we can vote and speak up for the issues that matter to us. But right now, our democracy is being compromised by wealthy fossil fuel interests, who have many politicians wrapped around their little finger.

That means we must use every platform and opportunity to call out decision-makers who are putting corporate profits before people and planet. Every major victory for social and environmental justice has been won because of a powerful, committed social movement: a movement of everyday people standing up for their rights and their future.

From raging bushfires in winter, to the extreme drought facing much of the continent, climate damage is here and now. We can’t afford to delay climate action for the sake of politics any longer. The mess we’ve seen in Parliament this week tells me we’re at a turning point. With national spotlight on climate and energy policy right now, we have a critical opportunity to demand our leaders fall into line with the science and the will of the Australian public.

Can you help resource our youth-led movement to shift the politics on climate change through a hard-hitting election campaign that’s impossible to ignore?

Only local images are allowed.


Only local images are allowed.

Donate or sign up to AYCC and Seed’s For the Love of the Reef fundraiser challenge and make a real impact today.

We have a brave, bold plan to shift the politics and make ambitious action on climate change the only acceptable option in Parliament. It goes something like this:

  • Training up hundreds of new young leaders at upcoming Climate Justice Bootcamps
  • Leading huge marches and creative actions across the continent that the media can’t ignore
  • Having tens of thousands of conversations with voters to make sure climate change is front and centre during the next Federal election (whenever that might be!)
  • Being cheeky, bold, uncompromising and literally everywhere to force climate change to the top of politicians’ agendas

None of our campaigns - past, present or future - would be possible without people like you rallying behind them. By supporting our For the Love of the Reef challenge, you’ll help take the fight for climate justice to the next level.


With hope, because of you,

Gemma, for the AYCC and Seed team




The Australian Youth Climate Coalition is a youth led, not-for-profit organisation. Our mission is to build a movement of young people leading solutions to solve the climate crisis.

The AYCC team acknowledge that we work, live and play on Aboriginal land. We recognise the incredible leadership of the Seed Indigenous Youth Climate Network in fighting for climate justice.



Australian Youth Climate Coalition
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