Every single child in detention in Australia's Northern Territory is Aboriginal

Here's the data from across Australia on just how overrepresented Indigenous kids are in detention. This stark fact was revealed in a recent Estimates Committee hearing, where the Territory Families department was questioned over how the rate of Aboriginal children in detention had changed since a royal commission (a high-level public inquiry).


Asked "How many Aboriginal children are being held in detention and has this changed since the royal commission?", deputy CEO of Territory Families Jeanette Kerr said "As of today, 100% of the children in detention are Aboriginal. The proportions have not changed since the royal commission."

The full BuzzFeed story is at https://www.buzzfeed.com/lanesainty/indigenous-kids-detention-northern-territory?utm_term=.xikXYzebEQ#.rtZqL8jQZV

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