On November 1 Greece's Neo-Nazis (notably the remnants of the criminal organization Golden Dawn) staged a long-awaited "pan-European" mobilization in Athens. With the antifascist mobilization gaining momentum, the local authorities banned their rally as well as that of the antifascists.
The day before, around twenty members of the Italian Casa Pound were arrested at the airport.
Despite the ban, antifascist groups, refugee squats, unions, parents' associations and neighborhood collectives rallied against the fascists and organized popular self-defense. The Neo-Nazis managed to gather less than a hundred of their members at the planned venue. The aim of relaunching their "assault battalions" was thus missed, but they went on the rampage against people taking refuge in the streets, their squatted homes like Prosfygika and antifascists trapped in the Monastiraki metro (even pouring them with petrol). The police, most of whom vote for the far right in Greece, let most of these acts take place. In this metro station, witnesses say that the police stayed upstairs during the attack and that when they came down (once the petrol had been poured) they pretended to crack down on the Neo-Nazis and didn't arrest any of them. Clashes took place in Thisio, Victoria, Nonastiraki and elsewhere, during which the police beat up many antifascists.
Solidarity and love to our friends in Athens, to all antifascists, migrants and refugees, who are not only facing violence by Neo-Nazis, but are also confronted with the violence of the state and fortress Europe.
Siempre Antifa!
Without love no revolution, without love no solidarity!