Solidarity message for Ahmed H. at Hungarian „Cultural and Scientific“ Institution Belgrade
We took action in solidarity with Ahmed H., who is imprisoned in Budapest, Hungary, and left a message at a cultural institution building of the Hungarian state in Belgrade (Serbia).
Don't give up, Ahmed!
We don't give up!
We don't give up!
We took action in solidarity with Ahmed, who is imprisoned in Budapest, Hungary, and left a message at a cultural institution building of the Hungarian state in Belgrade (Serbia). Ahmed is waiting for more days of his ridiculous and violent trial in January 2018. He is being constructed by the state as a „terrorist“ and an attacker of Hungary, for having spoken to a megaphone at the protests against closed borders at the Serbian-Hungarian border in Röszke in September 2015.
On the website of the state funded insitution is written „The goal of Hungarian institutes abroad is to promote and support Hungary’s cultural heritage through the development of cultural diplomatic relations between our nation and partner nations, the encouragement of international cooperation in culture and science“. It is clear that this “culture and science“ is putting itself in the service of neo-fascist policies through its silence about the reality of the Hungarian state. A silence about a public discourse which is dominated by how „dangerous“ everyone is who is not fitting in their image of a white, christian, heterosexual, work-willing society, while at the same time border hunters are torturing people on daily basis (testimonies f.e. here and here
Ahmed is still imprisoned. For all the times the states and it's protectors – the police and the military – think that we gave up, or we got used to this inhumanity, that we are tired from talking about their kidnappings and killings, we will show that our resistance is permanent. The strategies of our struggle for solidarity and freedom change all the time. It is about supporting each other, about interfering in the racist and capitalist discourse, and also talking direct actions against our enemy: the state system and its institutions of oppression and allies, including the EU, that cooperates with fascist parties and is practicing a normalization of exclusion and neoliberal war-business.
Solidarity with Ahmed H.! And with greetings to all who are held hostages of the state in camps and prisons. In Hungary , in Serbia, in Croatia, in Turkey, in Germany, in Italy, in Libyia, in France, …. No matter where.