Bring down the Ba'ath regime in Syria! Against the Nazi demonstration in Connewitz!

Event Datum: 
Samstag, Dezember 12, 2015 - 11:00
On 12th december different right-wing organizations are going to try to do demonstrations through the quarters Südvorstadt and Connewitz. The group ¨Offensive für Deutschland¨ of LEgIdA´s former leader Silvio Rösler is mobilizing to Connewitz as well as the ¨DIE RECHTE¨ party which has close links to militant neonazi organizations. ¨DIE RECHTE¨ will march under the slogan ¨For peace and the friendship of people¨. Their posters for the demonstration show the face of Syrian president Bashar al-Assad. One of the different mobilization posters additionally shows the flags of Iran, Venezuela, Syria, Palestine and Cuba as well as the black, white and red flag of the German Reich. What they claim is a ¨Querfront¨, an alliance of authoritarian left-wing governments such as Cuba or Venezuela on the one hand and antisemittic regimes such as the Iran on the other. The addition of the flag of the German Reich symbolizes the idea of the restauration of the Reich against ¨US imperialism¨. But the central element of the ¨DIE RECHTE¨ mobilization is still the ¨Arabic Republic of Syria¨. An authoritarian and nationalist regime that persecutes left-wing activists and ethnic minorities, oppresses opposition by all means and wants to eliminate the jewish state of Israel as soon as possible. The mobilization of ¨DIE RECHTE¨ is a triple provocation: first they call for a demonstration in one of the most famous left-wing quarters of Germany, second they stress supposed common ideas of the right-wing and the left-wing movement and third their call is insulting everyone, who had to flee to Europe because of regimes such as the Syrian or the Iranian one.

No solidarity with the Syrian regime!




Indeeed there are some left-wing ideas which can be linked to attempts for a ¨Querfront¨. The term ¨Völkerfreundschaft¨ (friendship of peoples), which has its roots in the German Democratic Republic (DDR), is supposing that entire peoples (not the suppressed individuals) are the subjects of mutual solidarity. And today there are still left-wing activists, who want to defend the authoritarian Assad regime against ¨US imperialism¨. From this point of view, the uprisings against the government during the ¨Arab Spring¨ in 2011 appear as movements manipulated by imperialism to overthrow legitimate governments. The marxist-leninist youth organization SDAJ writes in paper about Syria: ¨To get rid of the unpopular Assad government, the so called ´friends of Syria´, which include Germany and France as well as Saudi-Arabia and Qatar, supported the uprisings in the rural areas of Syria, which were influenced by the Muslim Brotherhood, since 2011.¨ Indeed there was a support of jihadi organizations by western powers. But the uprising against the Ba´ath regime ist legitimate and was not initiated by islamists, but by people of different political views and social origins, who didn´t want to live under dictatorship anymore. The attempt to explain the worlds problems only by the politics of the US an their allies must necessarily fail. The division of the worlds states into good (antiimperialist/anticapitalist) and bad (imperialist/anticapitalist) ones reduces the complex realitiy to a dualistic world view. Allegedly antiimperialist states are based on state oppression, the exchange of commodities and exploitation too - a fact, which is often ignored by the antiimperialist left. And first of all this point of view ignores that arab nationalism is no legitimate antiiperialism but a reactionary movement of capitalist modernization. I.e. the historical development of different arab nationalisms as a political reaction in order to enforce capitalism and the fordistic way of production in former colonies.




Against Nazis, jihadism and Ba'athism - for an international antinationalism!




The Assad regime´s origin is the overthrow of the Ba´ath partys left wing by the partys right wing. The regime has jailed comminists and is responsible for an ¨arabization¨ policy that led to the denial of the citizenship of parts of the Kurdish-Syrian population. Today the regime attacks cities and quarters which are strongholds of the opposition with barrel bombs. Thousands of jihadists were freed from jail when the uprisings began and the regime fought neither the islamist Jabhat al-Nusra nor ISIL. This was due to the attempt of destroying the democratic opposition with support of jihadist fighters and afterwards claim the struggle for keeping the regime in power as a ¨war on terror¨. Even though some German left-wing activists say so, the Syrian opposition has not been supported by the West. Syrian activists claim that they have been let alone by Europe and the US. The Western policies are only aimed on keeping stability for a world order based on national states at all costs. We do neither think that a policy based on weapon supply and military interventions from the West can bring a solution to the conflict, nor do we support a pacifist point of view or the recognition of ISIL or the Assad regime, as claimed by the peace movement. In our pont of view the solidarity with emancipatory resistance against the reality in the middle east is most important. By emancipatory resistance we mean those movements in Syria, who - with the help of arms or not - fight for a society which is freed from the Assad regime and from islamism and who do not let themselves divide alongside categories of ethnicity, confession or gender. And of course we express our solidarity whith everyone who had to flee to Europe from dictatorship and war!


demonstration: 12th december 2015 11:00 - Karl-Liebknecht-Straße / Kurth-Eisner-Straße


the future is unwritten - leipzig

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