Demonstration 3.3.2018 at 3 pm, Schlesisches Tor

Event Datum: 
Samstag, März 3, 2018 - 15:00
Fight Google Campus & Co This year in spring or summer, Google plans to open its „Berlin Campus“ in the premises of the former Umspannwerk on Ohlauerstraße / Paul-Linke-Ufer.

According to Google, this campus will be a place for start-ups to network and exchange. Google’s basic idea for establishing the Campus is to be the first one to spot those concepts that are promising to be the most profitable ones and to win the attracted founders for their company on the long run.

There already exist six other “Google Startup Campus”, e.g. in Sao Paulo and in Seoul. The neighborhoods close to them soon experienced their impacts. In London for example commercial rents doubled within the first two years. However, we do not just critisize that gentrification is boosted by tech-companies like Google. As one of the biggest companies in the world, it also plays an
important role for the technological attack. Its main task is collecting and selling data. Data may be the most valuable resource in today’s capitalist economy. The huge amounts of digital data are stored indefinitely – even after e.g a Gmail
account.The majority of them are created by using one of the many Google products like the Google search engine (market share 90% in Europe), Google Maps, YouTube, Google Chrome, Google Books or the Android smartphone operating system. With the
help of (self-learning) algorithms, mass data that appears to be irrelevant at the first sight will sooner or later be processed e. g. be used for well placed personalised (electoral) advertisement. Furthermore, the company works together with the military, secret services and other state institutions. With „big data“ it has become theoretically possible to analyse social developments. With this possibilty social movements could be fought even before they even exist.
With the development of artificial intelligence and the ideology of transhumanism, tech-companies want to adjust humans to machines up to there fusion.
Everyone can easily imagine what all this means: The systems power structures will
be stabilized and strengthened and exploitation will be optimised.

We think that our resistance against the technological attack symbolized by the Google Campus is important to fight for a better life for
everybody – in Kreuzberg and worldwide. In Kreuzberg there is not only Google but many other tech-companies that push
gentrification and technologistion of work forward.

Our demonstration will pass by at view of the masses of premises of tech-companies that are already existing in Kreuzberg 36 and you will learn more about them. But resisting places and initiatives, e. g. DeliverUnion, should become a part of the demonstration. Opposition against companies like Google is possible – as, among others, the resistance against „Google Glass“, which led to its failed market
launch, has shown.

Let`s show together that Google, but also other actors like Zalando, Deliveroo, RocketInternet etc. are not welcome – neither in Kreuzberg nor everywhere!

A nice life for everybody!

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