Gr: Updates 21/12/2009

kein Name 21.12.2009 19:18 Themen: Antifa Antirassismus Globalisierung Militarismus Repression Weltweit
Updates of 21st December 2009
°The open assembly of Kyprou & Patision self-organized park condemns the attack by police forces against residents of the park. The last days police officers have rised up their presence and checks on the park. With the excusion of drug using, they terrorize residents beat up immigrants and try to wear the mask of legal actions, even if people have been heavily injured in the past because of their attacks. The open assembly thinks that their new actions happen because of some basic reasons:
1. some members of the assembly showed presence in the blocking of the fascist's gathering on America's square before some days.
2. the assembly has made it to keep in distance drug dealers from the park, action that the police officers have never tried before.
3. Athen's municipality wants to take back responsibility of the park, make it again a cement area and establish more loans for the citizens.
4. PASOK (social-democrats government) wants to finish with all the free spaces and squats which spreaded around after December 2008.

PASOK wants to finish with the free spaces, so they can establish back special police forces and rent them to private companies. Citizens of all ages prefer to spend their time in such places instead of the private cafes and cemented parks with fences. The assembly calls for an unprogrammed council, so people can find out how they can send the authoritans back to their houses and away from the green area they saved against the governmental plans to make it a parking.

°Nikos Polykratis, 45 years old, was found dead in the psychotherapy hospital of Korydallos jailhouse under unspecified situations. Last week a kurdish man, 21 years old lost his life and the jailhouse authorities have not even published his name.

°Responsibility announcment by "Anarchist for unsecure and general illegalism" team for the attacks against PASOK offices on 17th & 18th December. As they state the attacks against the PASOK razzias is a message for their position to the non-tolerance politics of the social-fascistic partei. They also salute the thousands of school students, who prove by their actions that December 2008 still goes on.

°A trial in Kavala today for a citizen who refused to give fingerprints to the police officers. He/she is accused for "false information giving", but the police officers who were called as eye-witnesses made a lot of mistakes on their statements in the court. The prosecutor condemned them as unreliable, called the head of the local police station in the court and delayed the trial for the 4th of January.

°"Front of Active Citizens" team demonstrated today in Athens against the rising up loans of the annual price of having a vehicle. The price has almost been doubled since last year.

°Israel accepted that doctors used to take out organs from killed Palestinians and dead Israelian workers without any permision of their families. An interview of Jehuda Hiss -ex-head of Forensic Israelian Institut- came in public. Nancy Scheper who interviewed Hiss says that he told her, that the organs used to be sent to governmental hospitals, and the skin was kept in a bank for the case of burnouts. This fact came in public after the an article on a swedish newspaper. Israelian authorities have condemn the newspaper as "antisemitic".
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anarchist media

com 21.12.2009 - 21:30

Savvas Xiros könnte Beine verlieren

Basok 21.12.2009 - 21:41
Der Gefangene von Bewegung 17. November, der unter Verantwortung des derzeitigen Innenministers gefoltert wurde, ist eigentlich haftunfähig

Zu der Soli-Demo am Samstag 19.12.2009

m.spraycan 22.12.2009 - 18:57
Zu der Soli-Demo am Samstag 19.12.2009:
Am Samstag hatten anarchistische Gruppen zu einer Solidaritäts-Demo für die Gefangenen aus dem sozialem Zentrum Resalto aufgerufen. Das Zentrum befindet sich in der Nähe des Athener Hafens Peiraeus im Arbeiter-Viertel Keratsini. An der Demo nahmen ca. 600-700 Leute teil. Für griechische Verhältnisse gab es eine ziemliche Starke Polizei-Präsenz, was für großen Unmut sorgte. Die Riot-Cops liefen vor und hinter der Demo. Trotzdem konnten einige Banken und offizielle Gebäude besprüht werden und hier und da flog mal ne Orange in Richtung Cops.
In der Bevölkerung gab es eine eher positive Resonanz auf die Demo und es wurden weiterhin diverse Flugblätter mit Informationen zu den Vorfällen rund um dem 5. Dezember verteilt.

aktivisten fordern eigene festnahme

exarchia 22.12.2009 - 21:09
In Exarchia wurden bei einer Versammlung am Exarchia-Platz genau die Beweise, die im Resalto gefunden wurden, zusammengestellt und präsentiert, doch die Coppers wollten niemand deswegen mitnehmen.

Beiträge die keine inhaltliche Ergänzung darstellen

Verstecke die folgenden 2 Kommentare

ministry of propaganda and torture

cosa nostra 21.12.2009 - 22:47
Chrysohoydes, who talks about downtown athens as a "Ghetto" and denouces antagonistic rallies as "Pogroms" to make "Kristalnacht" also knows about connections between organized crime and terrorists

aus trauer wird wut

JJ 22.12.2009 - 14:15
what the fuck jetzt werden dort leute totgeprügelt? scheisse das endet im bürgerkrieg...