From Berlin to Hamilton : solidarity to our queer comrades facing repression
On June 15th, 2019 in Hamilton, Canada, Pride was attacked by a group of far-right homophobes, christian fundamentalists, neo-nazis, and queer bashers. They arrived with massive homophobic signs and banners, and immediately began to scream insults and slurs. They aggressively harassed individuals, made jokes about rape, and threatened physical violence.
Things quickly escalated as the bigots violently confronted people who were holding a fabric barrier (called the "black hole") in an attempt to block them from disrupting Pride. Initiated by the far-right activists a brawl broke out – queers who refused to allow their presence to go unchallenged were attacked, but fought back. Several friends were injured and required medical attention. After being kicked out of Pride, this same group chased and assaulted queer youth in the neighbourhood, and then went on to attack people at Toronto Pride the following week.
Since these events, Hamilton Police have focused exclusively on going after the queers who defended themselves and their community. Over the course of the last weeks, police have been targeting and harassing known queer anarchists in the city. Our dear friend Cedar (who spend the last months in jail for the Lock street case, and who wasn’t even present at the event, as they were doing medical attention to the queer comrades coming back from the Pride) was arrested on Saturday, and sits in jail on hunger strike as you read this. On Monday, another queer was arrested – they were released from the station and are facing two criminal charges. And an other person decided to give themselve to the cops as they were looking for them.
On the 50th anniversary of Stonewall and on the Day of Action that was called in support of pride defenders, Hamilton Police have arrested two additional people. That is two more people who have been arrested for fighting back against queer and transphobia, misogyny, and white supremacy. That brings the current total of arrests to five. That’s right, five queers who have been targeted, harassed, and arrested.
For all that reasons we decided, on the 28th of june, for the Day of Action in support of pride defenders, to make a banner sending strength to cedar, and to the other queers targeted in Hamilton. All the distance and borders between use are not enough to limit our solidarity with our comrades in KKanada.
Against homophobes, fascists, citizens and the world that creates them !
For a queer and anarchist ultraviolence !
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