Anarcha 3 to 5 march
In France, on the 31st of March, it is the end of the winter break which protect squat and autonomous places. Here in Montreuil and elsewhere, housing squat and political mobilisation squats will be evictable on this date.In Île-de-France, it is the case for "La Baudrière", for the "10 rue Bara", for the "Gambetta", fot the "Malaqueen", for the "LEO"... and many others. « La Baudrière » is an anarcha-feminist and “TransPdGouine” (TransFaggDyke) squat opened by and for people whom suffer from patriarchy anyhow. It’s been a year now that we’re making this place live, hosting many political events, parties, encounters, canteens… And so much more that allowed us forging precious alliances with different activisms. It is an anarchist and autonomous place of living and mobilisation which is why we want to defend it. Lately, if a big social movement seems to take form in France, there is also new laws that threatens our freedom : the “Kasbarian” law which directly attacks squatters and unstable tenants, the “Darmanin” law which attacks those who don’t have “the good” ID documents, the Olympic law which strengthen police control and surveillance, the retirement reform and unemployment reform which fragilise our lives more and more… The government, the capitalist system and the cops always find new ways to piss us off. We are fighting to multiply initiatives that allow self-determination and collective autonomy to all of us. To us, anarchism is a way of empowerment and emancipation from the heterosexual and patriarchal cistem, inherently racist and capitalist. We want to defend La Baudrière because it is a place far from the managerial logic of the government, a place that allows direct solidarity between people who organise themselves against the State, the notion of private property, the patriarchy and racism. We want it to be a place of sharing and remembrance for our past fights and for our present and future resistances. With the actual political context, we cannot afford to lose another house for mobilisation and feminist TPG community. The time of barricades has come. Anarcha for ANARCHISTS FEMINISTS AND TRANSPDGOUINES ! During three days, the 3, the 4 and the 5 of march 2023, we want to keep strengthening the bonds we made - on a local scale, as well as in other countries - during this last year and a half. We want to keep our autonomous habits, to discuss, to share our experiences. The most ordinary ones - cooking, handicrafts, revolutionary songs, sewing and electrical work – as well as the most revolutionary - for example, learning from the revolution in Syria or the fight against the gentrification process in Exarcheia. These encounters will be in CHOSEN MIXITY : WITHOUT HETERO CIS MEN. We'll be at La Baudrière from March 3 to 5 to discuss, sing, dance, learn and meet! We look forward to seeing you there! Women, life, freedom ! Squat for the queer autonomy ! More information / Program >>