Solidarity for La Casa (Leipzig)

On Oct. 24, we received news of the attack on the House Project “La Casa” in Leipzig. With this statement we want to bring solidarity and support to the comrades of the House. This infamous attack by people who call themselves "antifa" is not isolated, but is part of a constellation of episodes that in recent weeks have made the great division within the movement even more evident.

Various posts have appeared on the Internet inciting militant action against those comrades who take the side of Palestine; others have even threatened to attack some of the places closest to the cause.
In another post, these anti-deutsch people believe that they are more educated and aware regarding the history of antisemitism and feel that they should arrogate to themselves the position of educators towards the migrant galaxy in Germany.
Sometimes they feel that they must defend Israel from any criticism, even if it comes from Israelis themselves or from Jews.

This shows how much these so called “anti-German” comrades are a contradiction and the antithesis of themselves. While wanting to distance themselves as far as possible from the dominant Prussian stereotype, they always end up elevating themselves to something superior, arrogant and above all white.
We reject this rhetoric and choose to fight against the occupations of the territories, colonialism, apartheid, white supremacy and antisemitism, side by side with Palestinians, Israelis, anti-Zionist Jews and the entire left outside of Germany -- leaving those self-styled German “antifa” in the company of governments and police engaged in supporting genocide in Gaza.

We are keen to show solidarity for the people and places cowardly attacked, like "La Casa" in Leipzig. We want to support and strengthen in any way possible the migrant network by placing it at the center of the perspectives of struggle.
Solidarity with the Palestinians, the people who are victims of apartheid and whoever is taking a stand to fight for freedom.

Statement signed by:
Anti-imperialist Struggle Committee
Asians of Chaos
Berlin Migrant Strikers
International Autonomous-Antiauthoritarian Front
Jüdische Stimme
Klasse Gegen Klasse
Linke Ukraine-Solidarität Berlin
No Border Assembly
Palästina Kampagne
Palästina Spricht
Right to Resist
Slightly Conscious Monkeys
Solidaridad Antirepresiva Berlin

Berlin Migrant Strikers
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