Raid at large migrant squat in Calais (France)

NoBordersCalais 04.06.2010 17:11 Themen: Antirassismus Repression Weltweit
Today, a migrant squat, known as "Africa House" got raided by a large number of police.
Today, a migrant squat, known as "Africa House" got raided by a large number of police.

At 8:00am local time half a dozen "CRS" vans, two unmarked arres vans, two unmarked police cars and one marked "Police Nationale" car showed up at Africa House and arrested at least 30 migrants. International NoBorder activists who were present got violently removed and as they tried to to document the situation peppersprayed.

After the police arrested every migrant they could, local council workers in full protective clothing (overalls, gasmasks) sprayed the whole place with an unknown chemical, presumably a desinfectant, and removed all personal belongings of the residents. This includes items such as clothing, tents, sleeping bags, telephones food and other things necessary for survival. All those belongings were loaded onto lorries and taken to the city dump to be thrown away.

Eventhough the police where very well organised a lot of people managed to hide throughout the raid or run away and therefore avoid arrest.
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