Gr. Updates: 3rd & 4th March 2010

kein Name 04.03.2010 17:47 Themen: Globalisierung Soziale Kämpfe Weltweit
"You have not told me since years now if you have really felt me,
when I used to tell you about these cages.
You have not told me where you have given your heart,
when a smile gets erased while laughing in front of the sound of a gun-shot..."
(song written after the murder of Christos Tsoutsouvis, also in memoriance of Michalis Prekas, anarchists both killed by pigs)

Title: Όνειρο Group: Εν Πλω

__Wednesday 3rd March 2010__

* Communique of Revolutionary Continuity Urban Guerrilla Organization for the bomb explosion at JPMorgan investment bank offices in Athens on the 16th of February 2010. It is the first action of this organization, the communique was sent to Eleftherotypia newspaper.

... In America two of the biggest banks, which belong to the billionairs Rockefeller and Morgan dominate on a capital of 11 billions Deutsche Mark ...The Morgans used to have a high influence into the political life of USA. Many presidents and ministers of USA were the favorites of the Morgans ...

Complete Writings of V.I. Lenin, tome 27

JPMorgan investment bank was since the middle-war a powerful monopoly stock company that used to control a large number of U.S. banks and industrial associations and companies. Such was for example the General Electric and General Motors, which until 2006 had annual revenues higher than the GDP of Ireland, New Zealand, Uruguay, Sri Lanka, Kenya, Namibia, Nicaragua and Chad together. With the crash of 1929, which caused such things as the predatory mania of JPMorgan, promoting the well-known "economical bubbles", this profit-speculative company smashed all the small economical groups, by merging them and asserting its sovereignty and its monopoly character.

Today we are one more capitalist crisis that has been forseen, moreover inherent to the character of the capitalist model. It started for one more time in the so-called "country of prosperity", America, with the poor middle American citizen who used to take house-loans, it was spreaded with the so-called 'toxic' financial products and escalated with mass redundancies of workers in multinational companies and factories, company closures, pressure against lower-income countries and the list is endless. Those companies which survived, succeeded with the money of taxpayers in any country while on the same time all over the world the voices that were asking the crisis to be paid by those who created it were becoming louder. Of course, injustice and oppression exist either the capitalist model is experiencing a boom or recession. Long before the crisis, to avoid loss of profits imposed by labor achievements, the large multinational companies transferred their capital and their production to countries of the so-called 'developing', according to their terminology, world, in order to achieve the lowest production cost. Some of them, such as Nike and Adidas and otherones, which have already transferred their production to developing countries, refuse to pay even the 87 cents per hour which are considered as necessary to cover the basic cost of living for the workers and avoid the risks of disease outbreaks etc. Instead, some of them pay only 13 cents per hour. At the same time there is another darker side. The American "leader" of the "free world" since the Second World War, decided to assume the role of exporter of the "Western democracy" by exporting war and oppression in 'developing' regions of the planet, such as the much-suffer countries of the Arab world while meanwhile supports economically and militarily some fascistic states, such as Israel. With this blatant arrogance of the powerful states and the market dominance on the planet collapsed the ideological investment of America which used to be self-appeared as Democracy.

The Greek state economically and strategically, was traditionally a slave to the capitalistic forces of Britain and America, and is still dependent on advanced capitalist countries in many forms, economically, militarily and culturally. Result of this dependency was the creation of a huge state, that operated and still operates as a processor of promises and financial transactions for the benefits of local and foreign oligarchies. In recent decades, there were distributed and given as a gift to magnates of wealth and to fops of social and political life huge amounts of capital funds from the Community Support Framework of the European Union even from the funds of Social Insurance System, with black money, loans free of conditions, fake competitions.

The public wealth was transferred to Greek and foreign monopolies together with countless privileges and tax-exemptions. In addition, tax-exemptions for big businesses and tax-cuts for high incomes was a key element for economic policy of Ronald Reagan the guru of neoliberalism. The theory was based on increasing entrepreneurship and expenditure of the rich people that would result the improvement of all social classes, event that never happened. The implementation of this model in Greece led to a huge accumulation of profits for the local and transnational capital.

For the benefit of powerful economic cycles was led to impoverishment the biggest mass of workers and were stuck the salaries and pensions on the level of hunger. The workers, the craftsmen, the small and middle market, the professional services, which are the main productive forces and have become the feeders of plutocracy, are crushed by unsustainable taxes, de-industrialization and the general decline. The public economic and social life has become a fiefdom of the cycles of the oligarchy. The majority of the population is under an unprecedented economic oppression, while on the same time hundreds of millions of euros are spent for the strengthening on friendly constructive compnies' contractors and abusers of public life.

Behind the mask of "democracy" those who have the power engage in irresponsible exploitation against the produced by people (and for the people?) overvalue under the argument that this exploitation is the product and will of the majority of the people. It is, literally, a vicious circle, which has its roots in the early years after the fall of the hunta in 1974. When, after the fall of the US-led military dictatorship, appeared those who would operate the will of the people for freedom, fairer distribution of wealth and transparency. They said lies to people by repeating words which the people wanted to listen to, that, so, Greece will stop being a protectorate of the English and Americans, by creating the appropriate conditions to restore the autonomy of the country and as a natural consequence will come the improvement of living conditions. But those promises were just "dust in the wind, because "Western democracy" was doing a good job. Those who make the country work, the folk, are newcomers at their own land and various luminary brains speak on his behalf. Why the representatives of the Greek Industrialists Association should speak about the Insurance System, when their pre-eminent role is to safeguard their own individual interests? National Bank of Greece itself, the temporal abuser of public funds and copartner of the European Central Bank, admits openly that the largest proportion of public money which is flowing into funds of the State comes not from those who have the money, because they evade taxes, but from the over-loaned households which are forced through lending to become food for the bankers so they can respond to the state's economical attack. Eventually, all that remains on topic in this ravaged place is that we work for the minority and the minority works for themselves.

But now the king is naked. The widespread corruption underlying the triangle of power, state-capital-mass media, can not be hidden. The economically weak majority of people gets widened, while at the same time they work-produce for the accumulation of wealth on the side of the economic elite. It is the economic oligarchy, which is the real power that plans, under silence and safety, the basic guidelines in public life and political decisions. The modern elite of the country, the bourgeois class, is constructed by a clearly defined circle of people who are sharing for their own the wealth of the country and have common characteristics among each other. They live in guarded by police and bodyguards areas, such as Kolonaki district, the rich north or south suburbs.They laugh together in luxurius places, such as Ekali Club, Athenian Club, and often or rare they visit destinations like Switzerland and exotic islands. They control an army of journalists who cover and legalize their actions, maximize their control in state matters and buy justice by possessing all the mass media. They control print and electronic media, banks, constructive and financial companies, industrial and telecommunications, the stockmarket, Palaces of Culture and big football limited-responsibilities' companies. These crazy-happy-friends is extremely tight and there is solidarity both in joy and in sorrow. At the marriage of Vardinogiannis' son, at the baptize of Chatzinikolaou's son, at the funeral of Lamprakis the guests were almost the same, representatives of the contemporary ruling class, journalists, businessmen, politicians and, not to forget, the American ambassador. The same people who will announce in the mass media, that should become cutouts for pensions and wages, in the same time, when a bottle of wine on their table may cost more than a monthly wage.

It is on charts these days to read and hear complaints from the government and the media, that the Greek financial system and generally the southern European countries are under attack from different centers of transnational profiteers, from the markets, the Anglo-Saxon banks etc. All these complaints are completely abstract and never lead to individual persons, as if talking about a natural disaster. This is clearly a distortion of reality while the markets are constructed by profit-speculators who are people with a full name, with businesses' owning titles. They are a relatively small number of people who form a transnational elite and exchange between each other the key-positions they owe.

The same people who work for the International Monetary Fund after some time can work for national central banks, become priministers and financial ministers, consultants in multinational companies, organizations such as NATO etc. Tony Blair after being Britain's priminister and sidekick of the Americans during the invasion in Iraq, became a director of JPMorgan, that has under its control the newly established Commercial Bank in Iraq, controlling the economy of the country, through the trade finance exchanges and the oil. The president of the Italian central bank (Βanca d΄Ιtalia) Mario Draghi had served as vice-chairman of Goldman Sachs and now gets prepared to become president of the European Central Bank. John Lipsky, former manager of IMF, has also worked as vice president of JPMorgan.

About Greece the "savior" manager of public debt Petros Christodoulou had offered his services in the past both at JPMorgan and the Goldman Sachs, but also at Credit Suisse. Recently, in fact, we learned from the well-known leaks of EYP (National Information Service) to press, that were identified four profit-speculative companies that become richer by functioning against the Greek economy. It was not leaked, of course, that one of them named Fidelity was a shareholder in Tyletypos, the owning company of Mega Channel. Boss, for real, and a major cash-donor of journalists who every night are trying to convince us that everyone must pay for the crisis. The same company also had a 4.5% stake of the shares in National Bank. In another case during the last Greek bond sale-out among the banks that lent the Greek State under the usurious rate of 6.5% was also the National Bank and Eurobank.

Let's stop having doubts, their "western democracy" has nothing to do with the social power that is desired by society. It's just a trick to keep people captive. What exists is the oligarchy of some powerful persons and the the majority of the people. The meaning of words is lost if there are no struggles for their maintenance. The challenge, then, is the resistance to unpopular projects. The response of the people must not be the inactivity but the confrontation with the options and mechanisms of the ruling class both on mass and individual level. As long as the reaction to all this is the passivity and individualism, so long territory will be given to the bosses to increase their exploitation conditions. The enemy is real and certainly not the immigrants, not the parts of the society who are fighting strongly and confrontationally, nor any other social groups who are aimed by the sovereign power. What is needed is to realize is that the most pieces of society face the same problems. We see our lives declining continuously.

What is necessary is to go into action. Even the conversation in our working place about how much ridiculous is the boss can be concidered as resistance. Gradually tolerance and fear and the imposed privetation will be removed and then will dominate the passion for justice and freedom, and the struggle of people to be saved from oppression. But where we should get is not to leave unanswered anything at all. Any change to worse situations for workers will result in cost to the bosses, from the verbal protest to violent actions. The December 2008 was not a deadlock firework, but an editorial part of the social struggles that are ongoing. In the social dialogue our own choice of armed struggle, is the immediate way to attack back against the plans of the state, the capitalists and the imperialists. It is the historical continuation of the struggles of the past with the ultimate aim of dialectic between us and the struggling parts of the society.

JPMorgan, proven, was caught red-handed stealing the money of the Insurance System, not through some financial tool of questionable legality , as they call them, but through the traditional gift-giving. And JPMorgan was interested in buying the financial bond only and only to have the ability to steal again in the future. According to the relations of IMF with JPMorgan, we easily conclude that the pressures of the IMF (and EU) for structural changes, for example in the Insurance System, have the ultimate aim of increasing the profits of financial institutions. Maybe this time, they have a better and not so easy to found out plan so they can put the cash on hands, but the objective remains the same, making it easy for them to control the economies and markets and profit speculatorly. The explosive mechanism at JPMorgan's offices in Kolonaki district was a practical protest against its parasitic action.

The cops did not make it to evacuate the building despite the time of half an hour we gave them. We can not know if they were simply unable or had something else in mind.

On the same day that took place our action, Greek police killed Nikola Todi, 25 years old, with 9 bullets proving once again the zero respect that they have for human lives and disadvantaged persons.

Athens, 1st March 2010


* Clashes between pensioners who were demonstrating in Athens and pigs who were protecting a government building. The "social character" of the state was proved for one more time by sending special pigs' units against third age people.


* Demonstration in Thessaloniki town by anti-capitalistic organizations against the government and EU economical program. Also many panhellenic protests organized by KKE (Communistic Parliamentary Party).

* Demonstration in Ioannina town against the economical programm organized by Initiative of Struggle and Resistance with participation of out-parliamentary communists, anarchists, individuals, libertarian parliamentary communists.

* N.V., 21 years old, who was prejailed after being accused for participation in the Conspiracy Cells of the Fire Urban Guerrilla Organization was released today. The comrade has been in pre-jail custody since the 1st of February, when he was arrested, because of a finger-print of him on a plastic bag which was found inside the so called "terrorists hide-out" by the antiterrorist pig forces. (watch older update)

* Four local TV-stations in Patras town squatted for some minutes by members of PAME (syndicalists of communistic parliament party). The workers entered the buildings of the TV-stations before the beginning of the news and announced a manifestation about the mobilization demonstrations on the 4th March against the economical program of the goverment and EU.

__Thursday 4th March 2010__

* Members of PAME squatted the Ministry of Finance for seven hours close to the parliament in the city of Athens. The syndicalists have organized mobilization actions in 62 different towns around Greece and call for a General Strike for tomorrow against the government's economical program. GSEE (General Confederation of Workers Greece), the official bourgeoisie organization that can register one more General Strike, event that a lot of workers and unions ask for, refuses to announce for it.

Foto from the Ministry of Finance:

* The front-glass at the offices of PASOK ("socialistic" party on government) in Arta town got smashed during last night. One more action against the economical plans of the government ...

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please translate

kraut 04.03.2010 - 18:04
makes it more interesting for everyone who doesnt speak english

updates more

kein Name 04.03.2010 - 18:45
* State Agency of Workers' Care building was squatted this mourning by nurses in Thessaloniki. A demonstration also took place at 10:00 against the government's economical plans.

* General Accounting State Office in Athens squatted by dismissed workers of Olympic Airways.

* Early in the mourning was finished the panhellenic strike of taxi drivers. As they say, if the government will insist in the economical program they will start a General Continuesly Strike.

* Workers of United Textiles squatted the offices of Region Eastern Macedonia-Thrace in Komotini town. They also escalate their actions against the government and EU economical program.

Strike-Storm Report of the next days:

- Friday 5th March: 3 hours stop of working, from 12:00 to 15:00, was announced by GSEE-ADEDY. In Thessaloniki, 4 hours stop of working as was announced by the Labor Centre Thessaloniki from 12:00 to 16:00 with public traffic busses also participating in. 24 hours STRIKE for the Train Organization Greece. In the strike participate also journalists of the public sector and maybe journalists in privet sector will join with 2 hours stop of working from 10:00 to 12:00.

- 24 hours Strike announced by ADEDY for the 16th of March. (It is also under discussion to transfer the Strike between the 8th and 12th of March) - Friday 5th March, 24 hour STRIKE of journalists in public television and radio sector.

- Friday 5th March, 24 hour STRIKE for trains, underground, electric railways, tram in Athens.

- Friday 5th March, call from PAME for 24 hour strike. Participation has also announced already many base's syndicates.

- GSEE (General Confederation Workers Greece) will decide in the next days for a new 24 or 48 General Strike.

- Friday 5th March, 24 hour strike from teachers and professors.

- Friday 5th March, demonstration of pensioners and gathering in front of the Labor Centre Thessaloniki.

- Friday 5th March, motorcycle demonstration in solidarity with the Egyptian fishermen workers in Thessaloniki. (watch older update)

- Owners of trucks and water-transfering trucks start organizing their actions against the government's economical plans.

- Workers of tax-offices on 48 hour strike on 8th and 9th of March.

- New strikes were announced by owners of kiosks.

griechenland ist korrupt in vielen dingen

gordon gekko 04.03.2010 - 20:47
beispiel: 1990 wurden LKW-konzessionen vergeben. seitdem ist die wirtschaft schon deutlich angewachsen. neue LKW-konzessionen ibt es noch immer nicht. es sind noch genausoviele LKW im land unterwegs wie 1990.
folge: LKW-transport thessaloniki-athen kostet so viel wie die strecke berlin-madrid.
SOWAS bremst griechenland aus. die müssen ihre korruption loswerden.

updates more

kein Name 05.03.2010 - 01:34
* Demonstration in Athens with the participation of almost 16.000 people. Around 10.000 in the block of independant base's syndicates, out-parliamentary communistic organizations, anarchists, etc. and the rest of the people at the block of PAME. Some clashes with cops in front of the parliament who used tear-gas against the protestors who responded with stones. Some banks smashed down, some multinational shopping malls. Barricades also at Akademias & Sinas streets and clashes with special pigs' forces. People also have stopped the traffic in several avenues informing the people to join the actions. Mass Media in Greece refuse to report about the mobilizations. Another important thing is that the people in the streets are really angry and carry lot of rage which do not have any problem to express: the attacks against cops happen at once when it is needed, but also many people discuss with them trying to explain that in their uniforms they only serve the rich elite of this system. Also, some independant researches (and not payed polls with pre-made results) show that 95.5% of the people in Greece do not believe in what Mass Media present. Together with these results the state propaganda about "national unity and obedience to the austerity program" is not believed by people.

Fotos, Athens:

* Two demonstrations-gatherings also in Thessaloniki under rain, one called by PAME and the other by independent organizations which gathered some thousands of people.

Auseinandersetzungen Athen aktuelle videos

rg 05.03.2010 - 10:52
Besetzungen und Proteste, aber das Gesetz wird durchgepeitscht, ob es danach noch Proteste geben wird?
CDU und FDP-Politiker fordern den Verkauf griechischer Inseln. Wer weiß mehr?

updates more

kein Name 05.03.2010 - 13:46
* Two demonstrations in Ioannina town. 300 persons in the gathering of PAME and 700 to the gathering of out-parliamentary organizations, anarchists, etc. All the bank cameras and cash machines were smashed in the central street of the town. Also other banks on streets around became more "open" and colourfull.

Video, Athens:

(some small clashes and attacks against against banks, cops etc. used to take place all during the night. Some cops who were horny and swearing against women in Athens tasted some molotov coctails, some more banks got smashed and other events. The clashes have already started today and the cops have already attacked a person member of the Greek resistance who has kicked out Hitler in the past. Squats of government buildings keep on. More information later...)

Für jene, die kein Englisch sprechen

Sterniflasche lernt fliegen 05.03.2010 - 13:48
Artikel auf Deutsch:
"Griechen erhebt euch! "

Über den Irrsinn der Sparmaßnahmen:

@Interanti 05.03.2010 - 12:07
Nicht nur im Prinzip sondern in der Praxis muss es hier Soli geben und nicht nur mit den kämpfenden Menschen in Griechenland! Die Totengräber treffen sich in Berlin hinter verschlossenen Türen und plaudern über das, was schon vorher beschlossen wurde: "Sparmaßnahmen", die sicherlich nicht Papandreou betreffen. Gegenaktionen??? Null... Stattdessen sieht das Abendprogramm in Berlin heute so aus: Köpi - HC/Punk-Konzi mit Despite Everthing aus GR, Scherer 8 macht Soli für sich selbst (obligatorische "Spende": 3 €), Konzert, Party, Soli-Vokü, Party, Party, Konzert... Soll die Welt doch untergehn, hauptsache billig "Sterni" saufen gehn, Party goes on...

"Unbedeutende Randnotiz" aus Portugal:

Wegen Streiks geschlossen
In weiten Bereichen des öffentlichen Dienstes in Portugal tat sich am Donnerstag gar nichts. Die meisten Beschäftigten im Bildungs- und Gesundheitswesen, aber auch in Behörden – unser Foto aus Lissabon entstand vor einem Finanzamt – folgten einem Aufruf der Gewerkschaften zum Ausstand. Sie protestierten damit gegen das Einfrieren ihrer Löhne und die Kürzung der Sozialausgaben. Die kruden Sparmaßnahmen der Regierung sind Ergebnis des Drucks, den Brüssel auf Lissabon ausübt. Das Haushaltsdefizit ist mit derzeit 9,3 Prozent mehr als dreimal groß wie die zulässige EU-Quote von 3,0 Prozent. (apn/jW)

Wen's interessiert:
Mindestlohn in Portugal liegt bei rund 450 €, allerdings sind Familien dort auch größer (durchschnittlich 7 Kinder), keine Ahnung, wie mensch davon "leben" kann, obwohl wenn's so weitergeht, dürfen wir das vllt. bald selbst herausfinden...

Die auf Pleite spekulierenden Banken

nytimes 05.03.2010 - 14:22
Deutsche Bank, Credit Suisse, UBS, BNP, Societe Generale

sieht nach eher schwachen Protesten aus

d 05.03.2010 - 16:40

Blog auf Englisch

Occupiedlondon 05.03.2010 - 20:31

anarchy press

anarchy 07.03.2010 - 20:11

Beiträge die keine inhaltliche Ergänzung darstellen

Verstecke die folgenden 10 Kommentare


Anti-Spalter 04.03.2010 - 18:51
In Griechenland wird gerade der Angriff auf die gasamte europäische Arbeiterklasse vorbereitet!

Die Einsparungen bei Sozialwerken, Renten und Löhnen müssen in allen europäischen Ländern durchgeführt werden, da man die Staatsschulden nur über Wirtschaftswachstum abbauen kann und wir uns mitten in einer Depression befinden!

Griechenland ist nur jetzt als erster Staat in den Fokus gerutscht, weil dort die stärkste Arbeiterklasse Europas ist und wenn die es nicht schafft die Kürzungen zu verhindern, dann wird es für den Rest umso schwerer.

Einen schönen Artikel über die momentane Situaion gibt es in der aktuellen Wildcat-Ausgabe:

Die nächsten Wochen in Griechenland werden entscheidend sein für ganz Europa, denn nur mit einer sozialen Revolte wie die vom Dezember 08 nach dem Tod Alexis kann der Angriff abgewehrt werden!

@gordon gekko, Arbeiter

kein Name 04.03.2010 - 21:06
corruption in your beloved Germany:

... just some of them. There are also fresh scandals today.


bitte keine englischen Artikel mehr!

Rosi 04.03.2010 - 23:25
Informiert uns über die Zustände in GR bitte mal auf deutsch! Ich kann zwar ein Bißchen englisch aber nur wenn es unbedingt sein muss.

jeder kann alle sprachen

fischer 05.03.2010 - 10:30
oder mindestens die weitverbreitetesten:


ass ass 05.03.2010 - 11:00
sorry rosi but the german articles - that cost a lot of time - get deleted. one "saved" before ya can may be find here, scroll down:
no idea why this gets deleted.
may be because the "iranian riders" are mentioned? means if cops in iran use motorbikes it's bad but for greece o.k.?
after the revolution all the book-looters will see themself hanging from lanterns


----- 05.03.2010 - 11:50
Spiegel online schreibt von jenen die Besitzstand wahren möchten (die Demonstranten) und denen die bereit sind, etwas für die "Gemeinschaft" zu geben. Mit Selbstopfern für den Staat kennt man sich in Deutschland ja gut aus, anscheinend auch als deutsche Spiegel JournalistInnen.


120 Milliarden 05.03.2010 - 11:52
Der "Vorschlag" Inseln zu verkaufen ging schon seit einigen Wochen durch diverse Fori, was die SS und Reichswehr nicht schafften, macht man heute mit CDS. Allein schon unrealistisch, weil viele Inseln der Kirche gehören, sie für Bürgerkrieg (Verbannung) gebraucht werden und Lager für Flüchtlinge drauf entstehen sollen. Allein der Vorschlag sie an die Türkei zu verschachern, ist der Hammer, aber zum Glück gibt's grade Stress wg
Armeniern. Deutsche Rüstungsindustrie und von Mallorca genervte Hinterbänkler, die darauf hoffen, daß sie von Ackermann und Konsorten dann auf ewig zum Urlaub eingeladen werden
Zusammenstösse gab's ein bischen bei Besetzungsaktionen. Alles wartet auf die Ausweitung des Umverteilungsprogramms auf den privaten Sektor - und dann könnte es richtig krachen, ansonsten sind mehrere Generalstreiks für die nächsten Tage angekündigt...


Interanti 05.03.2010 - 12:07
Im Prinzip wären Linke auf dem Terretorium der BRD jetzt aufgerufen, die griechischen Aktionen zu unterstützen! Antikapitalismus Weltweit!


kein Name 05.03.2010 - 14:43
Beside the hot-potatoe of corruption that the finance wise thieves try to throw to one another, there is a more simple analysis: Once upon a time it was accepted that the payment of people would be related with the time of their work. When this relation changed by analyses of "funds", "loans", "spreads" and other difficult to understand financial terms then the workers', social and political rights got fucked up...

I think it's so simple ... :)

@d Das war gestern

heute 05.03.2010 - 16:56