Gr. Updates: 17th & 18th February 2010

kein Name 18.02.2010 19:25 Themen: Globalisierung Militarismus Weltweit
"As long as there are classes, rich and poor people, then there will still exist violence. Violence is born by the basic social contradiction of wealth and poverty. And this is not a discovery of revolutionary Link. It was a wording from Platon 2.500 years before. According to Marx the violence, the mute coercion of economical relationships, the barbarity and the wars will continue until the world of work will free themselves and society and humanity finally will start living its history...
"As long as there are classes, rich and poor people, then there will still exist violence. Violence is born by the basic social contradiction of wealth and poverty. And this is not a discovery of revolutionary Link. It was a wording from Platon 2.500 years before. According to Marx the violence, the mute coercion of economical relationships, the barbarity and the wars will continue until the world of work will free themselves and society and humanity finally will start living its history.

This reality that we experience social war and not social peace, social solidarity or real democracy was the fact that enforced the action of 17N. The state violence, the imperialistic dependence that turned the country into a colony, the poverty, the unemployment, the degradation of life, the individualism that creates the inhuman exploitative system, the injustice and the impunity of those who act against the people and the country were the reasons that armed the hand of 17N.

We did not act under conditions of war. Against the indiscriminate state violence and terrorism we opposed the carefully and fairly popular antiviolence. However, we were encountered with totalitarian conditions, furious and savage war, with raw violence, with an enormous propaganda and communication war of distortion and black-mailing, with special laws that were even against your burgeois legality, with devastating detention conditions, with the looming prospect of extradition for some of us to the modern Dachaus.

We are not complaining. Those of us, because there are some among us found here by the vindictiveness of the system and the service of certain considerations, those of us who chose instead of conformism and intergration to find their humanity through revolution and to contribute in their own way next to the fights for social liberation knew very well were they were going.

We do not give a shit about the penalties. You will judge us guilty under the law of the winner and we do not think it's absurd, it is within your logic of war. For us, the social struggles for the liberation of human are neither innocent nor guilty. They are fair and necessary."

Dimitris Koufontinas, imprisoned in the modern white cells, during the trial of 17th November Revolutionary Organisation...

__Wednesday 17th February 2010__

* Polykarpos Georgiadis and Vaggelis Chrysochoidis were charged with 22 years of imprisoning for the case of industrialist Mylonas kidnapping.

Reports from the trial on Rioters Press:

* Report was published about the last day's event in Vyronas district of Athens, when during a bank robbery the pigs killed a person with 8 bullets on his back and 1 on his head. The innocent victim, Nikollas Todi 25 years old and father of a six months child, used to be close to the spot and without participation in the robbery.

* 9th High-school of Pireaus squatted by pupils because a classmate of them was expelled from the school and enforced to change school for ever after a small conflict with the chairman. The squatters condemn the behavior of the chairman who started with verbal attacks, but also during the last days rises up his authoritarianism and the repression against pupils who have certain political ideas, different dress-code etc.

__Thursday 18th February 2010__

* Looting attack against the private car of a journalist in Patras town. At the car were caused serious damages and some flames also touched the editor's car.

* The Queen's Peace minister announced that "up to Easter, the presence of police in Athens will rise up to levels that the citizens haven't seen before" ...

* 39 migrants, 27 men and 12 women, are trapped on Farmakonisi islet. The Coast Guards can not sail from Leros island because of lack in ships which can travel in the existed weather. Citizens asked from the guards to sail with their fishing boats but they could not have a lisence because of the wind and the weavy sea. The phenomenon of lack in boats of the public sector for islands in Greece is something usual for years now. Also the islands' residents face lots of problems when their health is in risk but also for daily needs. Meanwhile, the greek government is mostly interested in buying cops and army equipment.
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Socialism and the Greek debt crisis

World Socialist Website 20.02.2010 - 02:22
Greece has become a test case for draconian attacks on the living standards of broad sections of the population throughout Europe. The massive holes that the economic crisis and bank rescue packages have ripped in the budgets of the EU member states are now to be filled at the expense of the working class.

At their February 16 meeting, the EU finance ministers virtually disenfranchised the Greek government and placed the country’s budget under EU scrutiny. Such treatment of a member state has never occurred before in the history of the European Union. Every transaction of the Athens government will now be meticulously examined in Brussels, every vote in the national parliament closely monitored. The non-elected officials of the Brussels Commission and the European Central Bank (ECB) are taking control of an entire country, dictating their conditions to its government and parliament.

In just four weeks, the Greek government must present a first report on the success of its austerity measures to the EU and the ECB. If they are judged inadequate, the 15 other states belonging to the eurozone may invoke a qualified majority vote to force Greece to adopt further austerity measures. Under discussion are an increase of the regressive Value Added Tax (VAT) and additional spending cuts, among other things.

The cuts are being driven by the interests of the powerful financial institutions that determine the policies of the EU, as well as Europe’s largest economy, Germany. While most EU members wanted to give the Greek government time to implement the austerity measures it had already adopted, Germany, Austria and Sweden were insisting on the immediate tightening up of spending cuts. The state secretary in the German Finance Ministry, Jörg Asmussen, cited the examples of Latvia and Ireland, where public sector pay has been reduced by 20 and 15 percent, respectively.

The measures are aimed at drastically cutting the living standards of broad layers of the population. According to the head of the German Ifo Institute, Hans-Werner Sinn, “The Greeks have become accustomed to the good life.” Now they need “to be prescribed a course of thrift: however difficult it is for the Greeks, they have to lower real wages.” And this, even though the national average wage is only half as high as in Germany, while prices are almost the same.

The austerity measures being dictated to Athens express fundamental changes in the relationship between states in the European Union. For a long time, Germany was regarded as Europe’s “paymaster,” because it paid relatively large sums into the EU budget to compensate for regional differences. These served to expand and strengthen the EU, and the German economy, in turn, benefited the most. The corruption of the Greek elite, which now serves as a pretext for imposing brutal attacks on the working class, was tacitly condoned by Brussels and Berlin because it allowed the big corporations and banks to take over the Greek market.

But now Berlin is no longer willing to play the role of “paymaster.” The Merkel government has opposed any proposal to help the Greek government financially. The German media is full of propaganda about the Greek crisis being “home-made,” because the Greeks had been “living beyond their means.” For the German bourgeoisie, the issue is not so much the Greek debt, but the principle that the crisis should be paid for by the working class. This is true not only for Greece but for workers throughout Europe and in Germany itself, where the Merkel government is preparing a merciless austerity programme.

The aggressive actions of Germany are also exacerbating the conflicts within the EU and threaten to blow up the European institutions.

In their attacks on the living standards of broad sections of the population, the EU can rely on the Social Democrats. In Spain and Portugal, social democratic goverments are pushing through massive cuts. In Greece, the PASOK government of Giorgos Papandreou owed its election victory last year to the massive discontent with the conservative government of Kostas Karamanlis and to numerous populist promises. Once in office, Papandreou dropped his campaign promises and presented an austerity programme that includes dramatic cuts in the living standards of the working class—including job cuts, wage cuts, a higher retirement age and many similar measures.

Papandreou and his finance minister George Papaconstantinou have travelled throughout Europe to convince bankers and government representatives that they will enforce the programme against all opposition. Nevertheless, it does not go far enough for EU Commissioner Olli Rehn. “In mid-March, Greece will have to propose additional measures in order to achieve the reduction targets this year,” he said.

While the EU is relying on Papandreou, he is relying on the unions to enforce the attacks against the working class. Resistance is growing against austerity measures. On February 9 and 10, public sector workers went on strike, and a one-day general strike is planned for February 24. However, the unions are limiting the protests to isolated actions. They see their task as letting off steam in order to keep the resistance under control and to ensure that the government does not get into serious trouble.

They are supported by many supposedly “left” organizations—from the KKE (Communist Party of Greece) and the SYRIZA coalition, to numerous smaller groups. What unites all these parties is their purely opportunist and nationalist orientation. They either orbit around PASOK or seek to put it under pressure.

But there is no national solution to the Greek crisis. The EU has presented the country with a dire ultimatum: either it keeps the euro and accepts the austerity measures dictated by Brussels, or it leaves the eurozone, which would most likely lead to the collapse of the Greek currency.

The austerity measures dictated by the EU place fierce class conflict on the agenda throughout Europe. Fewer and fewer people are willing to accept drastic cuts, while the financial elite enrich themselves uncontrollably.

The working class needs an international political strategy. Greek workers must turn to the European working class, who in turn must support Greek workers in their struggle against the austerity measures being imposed by Athens and Brussels.

The attacks of the EU cannot be stopped by national protests and pressure on national governments. They require a political offensive by the European working class, aimed at the socialist reorganization of society. It is not the profits of the financial and industrial corporations—which determine the policies of Brussels—but the social needs of society that must form the basis of economic life. The European Union of the banks and corporations must be replaced by the United Socialist States of Europe.

Peter Schwarz
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