Repression gegen Aktivistin in Südafrika

amandla! 28.10.2005 18:16 Themen: Repression Soziale Kämpfe Weltweit
In Südafrika kommt es in den letzten Monaten verstärkt zu Konflikten zwischen Basisbewegungen und der Polizei. Der Hintergrund sind anhaltende
Proteste gegen die schlechte Wohnungsversorgung und die Räumungen von Familien, die ihre Mieten nicht mehr bezahlen können. Eine Aktivistin wurde nun zu 10 Monaten Haft verurteilt.
Zandile ist Mitglied der Anti-Eviction-Campaign ('Antiräumungskampagne') in dem Stadtteil Mandela Park. Mandela Park gehört zu Khayelitsha, dem zweitgrößten Township Südafrikas vor den Toren Kapstadts. Die Anti-Eviction-Campaign Mandela Park ist eine Nachbarschaftsorganisation, die sich gegen Häuserräumungen und die neoliberalen Strom- und Wasserprivatisierungen wendet.
Zandile wird vorgeworfen, vor zwei Jahren einen Polizeispitzel gekidnapped zu haben. Dies war die Reaktion der Community auf die verstärkte Repression durch die Polizei. Damals wurde der bekannte Aktivist Max Ntanyana von der Polizei entführt, um ihn einzuschüchtern und als Spitzel zu gewinnen.
Genauere Infos könnt zu den sozialen Kämpfen in Südafrika und der Reaktion des ANC könnt ihr unter

Zandiles Familie braucht Geld, um überhaupt über die Runden zu kommen und sie im Knast Pollsmoor, wo auch schon Mandela gesessen hat, besuchen zu können. Alleine die Transportkosten dorthin belaufen sich auf 700 Rand (ca. 90 Euro) eine enorme Summe für Familien in den Townships.
Sie wird von einer anarchistischen Gefangenhilfsorganisation betreut, die auch die Solidarität für sie organisiert und dringend auf Spenden und internationale Unterstützung angewiesen ist.

Genaueres in dem englischen Aufruf:

Zandile Mbarane is an activist from Mandela Park, Khayelitsha. That
community has, since 1999, been faced with massive eviction battles,
orchestrated by both banks and government, working together in a
partnership called Servcon. Since the early 1990s, in fact, Mandela
Park has been a site of housing struggle, since here housing for poor
people was financed by banks on a for-profit basis. The result of the
evictions was that from 1999 onwards, whole streets started being
cleared of people - particularly pensioners, the disabled and single
parents, of which Zandile is one. From the end of 2001 onwards, the
people of Mandela Park fought back, re-occupying houses and moving
people back into Mandela Park from the areas they have been evicted

The success of this struggle led to a campaign of police
harassment and repression, which peaked in the end of 2002 / start of
2003. Besides arrests of those deemed to be 'trespassing' in the
houses they reoccupied, the state marked 'leaders' of the Mandela
Park Anti-Eviction Campaign for harassment. These included Max
Ntanyana, who was arrested in September 2002 and released with insane
bail conditions that banned him from attending meetings, meeting with
evicted persons (in other words, ordinary residents of Mandela Park),
etc. Later that year Max was accused of breaking his bail conditions,
and then had to operate 'underground', till one night in February
2003 he was snatched from outside his house by men in an unmarked car
with darkened windows.

Now remember, this is a community with a long history of struggle,
dating back to the days of Apartheid. These kind of tactics of
'dissapearance' were used in the 1980s, and sometimes the activists
'disappeared' like were never seen again. So people responded - one
of them Zandile. They who had pointed Max out, and detained that
person. It turns out that this was an undercover police officer, and
activists were then able to force the police to reveal where Max was.

The consequences for Zandile and three other activists were, however,
severe: they were arrested in pre-dawn raids and charged with
kidnapping. Their trial lasted two years, due to the difficulty in
finding lawyers and other factors. For various complicated reasons,
Zandile Mbarane has been the only person convicted and sentenced in
this trial - she was sentenced to 10 months in jail in February 2005.
She now needs our support. Her family is left supporting her two
children, and every week they must pay for four taxis each way to go
and visit her in jail. The cost of this is approximately R 700 a month,
which has been a massive burden on her family (and especially Zandile's
mother, who is a pensioner). For several months now Zandile's family
has been without support, and Zandile will only be released in
December 2005.

Zandile has asked for support from resourced comrades. Money can be donated
to her mother via the following account:

Mrs R G Mbarane
Account number: 9126492142
ABSA Bank Kuilsriver
Branch code: 632005

Since in the past the Anarchist Black Hammer Anti-Repression Network (ABH ARN) has assisted Zandile and her family, anyone planning to raise funders for Zandile should inform them either via the mailing list at: or
directly to:

f you wish to send letters of support to Zandile Mbarane, you can send them to:

Zandile Mbarane
Prisoner Number: 205587870
Pollsmoor Admissions Centre
Private Bag X4
South Africa
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der nestscheisser 30.10.2005 - 15:44
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