John Pilger und seine Einschätzung zu 9/11

HB 02.11.2010 01:04 Themen: 3. Golfkrieg Weltweit

Der englische Journalist und Menschenrechtsaktivist John Pilger auf der 2010 Anarchist Bookfair in London. Unter anderem diskutierte er seine Position zu den offenen Fragen der Anschläge des 9. September 2001. 

Sound John Pilger

Frage aus dem Publikum: “Ich möchte Sie über Ihre Ansicht fragen, ob die US-Regierung (sic!) an den Angriffen vom 11.09.2001 beteiligt war oder sie sogar durchgeführt hat, um Unterstützung für ihre kriminellen .... in Afghanistan und Irak zu bekommen?"

John Pilger: Ich denke es gibt eine Menge Beweise, dass gewisse Elemente in der Regierung Bush, entweder absichtlich oder auf Grund ihrer arroganten Inkompetenz, ich weiß nicht, Dinge geschehen ließen. Ich denke es gibt genügend Beweise für...
Wir wissen von den FBI-Agenten, die im Jahr 2001 Warnungen gaben. Wir wissen über die unglaubliche Inaktivität vom NORAD am 11.09.2001. Wir wissen, dass Cheney an der Macht im Weißen Haus war an diesem Tag. 
Ich denke, am plausibelsten ist "Lasst es geschehen", nun, in welcher Kategorie es geschehen gelassen wurde, weiß ich nicht. Aber das sieht mir am plausibelsten aus. Es gibt keine Zweifel, dass 9/11 die Gelegenheit für einen neuen "Kalten Krieg" war, genannt "Krieg gegen den Terror". Aber über das hinaus würde ich nicht..."
John Pilger

At the 2010 Anarchist Bookfair in London there was a discussion with independent journalist and filmmaker John Pilger (which was recorded – listen below) and one of the questions from the audience was about the attacks on 9/11. The following is a transcript of the question and his reply:

Audience Question: “I would like to ask your views or theory that the US government was complicit in or even perpetrated the attacks on 9/11 to gain support for criminal [inaudible] Afghanistan and Iraq?”

John Pilger: “I think there is a lot of evidence that certain elements in the Bush administration, whether by intent or by or by their own arrogant incompetence, I don’t know, let things happen. I think there is enough evidence to…

We know the senior FBI people who gave warnings right throughout 2001. We know about the extraordinary inactivity by the NORAD aircraft on the day of September 11th. We know that Cheney was in charge of the White House on that day.

I think the most plausible is the “let it happen”, now at what stage it was let happen, I don’t know, I don’t know. But certainly that seems to me, the most plausible.

There is no doubt that 9/11 became the opportunity for a new “Cold War” basically, only called the “War on Terror”. But beyond that I wouldn’t want to…”

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guter Artikel zum Thema

Entdinglichung 02.11.2010 - 13:12
unser täglich Verschwörungstheorie gib uns heute ... gut zum Thema: JR Datacide - Denial networks: on crisis and continuity in the 9/11 truth movement

So far, the all-powerful ruling class that controls everything has not managed to produce a stable Iraqi state and the US now enters imperial brinkmanship with Russia, Iran and Venezuela over resources. In America, the list of major bank collapses grows: Freddie Mac, Fannie Mae, Bear Stearns, Lehman Brothers. As the imminent recession approaches, it will be rising taxes and massive cuts in social spending that fill the gap left by bank bailouts. This means that in a period where working class people are more and more subject to ruthless exploitation, they will nevertheless have to organize their activity even though they may see little hope of revolution. In this struggle, paranoia about the super-state and its invincibility must be the first trash out the window. The working class is that contingent element in capitalism which defies the iron laws of history. Its partisans will have to defend the sudden and violent transformation of reality tooth and nail against the conspirationist faithful who deny not only its realization, but its very possibility!

Noch anderer Artikel von John Pilger

palestina libera , palestina rossa 02.11.2010 - 16:56
Israeli Terror

In the news we get, only the Palestinians are described as terrorists, and yet the Israelis have a long history of terrorism - both before and since the founding of the Jewish state.

At least three Israeli Prime Ministers have been involved in campaigns of terror.

Menachem Begin was the commander of the terrorist group that blew up the King David Hotel in Jerusalem in 1946, killing 96 people. He was Israeli Prime Minister in the '70s and '80s. He once described a massacre as "a splendid act of conquest".


... 02.11.2010 - 17:43
Für den "tooth and nail" Realitätsverweigerer noch einen John Pilger

John Pilger speaks at Socialism 2009 - Obama and Empire

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