"President Putin of Germany"

McCain 25.01.2008 13:55 Themen: Medien Weltweit
Ein in den aufgetauchtes Video des republikanischem Spitzenkandidaten John McCain, sorgt in den USA für Verwirrung und in Europa für Gelächter:
"Der deutsche Präsident Putin."
Das Video zeigt den republikanischen Spitzenkandidaten John McCain bei einer Wahlkampveranstaltung im U.S.-Bundestaat Arizona.
Gedreht wurde es bereits am 17. Februar 2007, kam aber erst jetzt zum großen Teil an die Öffentlichkeit. Kurz darauf wurde bekannt, dass es sich schon seit mehreren Monaten auf verschiedenen Internetplattformen befindet.
Das 10 Sekunden lange Video beinhaltet folgenden Text:
"I was in a conference in Germany over the weekend and President Putin of Germany gave one of the old Cold War style speeches as he dressed the conference there."
"Ich war auf einer Konferenz in Deutschland übers Wochenende und der deutsche Präsident Putin hielt eine typische "Kalter Krieg-Style" Rede, während er die Konferenz hielt."

Die Frage die sich gerade halb Amerika stellt: Verwechslung, oder einfach nur Dummheit?
Egal, was es ist. Jemand der Präsident des milätisch mächtigsten Land der Welt werden möchte, sollte Russland nicht mit Deutschland beziehungsweise Angela Merkel mit Vladimir Putin verwechseln.
Link zu dem Video ist unten angegeben.
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Entdinglichung 25.01.2008 - 14:08
McCain scheint offenbar immer für "unkonventionelle Sprüche" gut zu sein: CBS meldete vor einigen Tagen folgendes: “People ask me about turnout, we want republicans, democrats, libertarians, vegetarians, Trotskyites, whoever will come out and vote for us. And obviously we are trying to motivate our Republican base, but we want everybody,”


Joe 25.01.2008 - 14:56
Link ist unten angegeben?
Ich seh ihn nich;D
hier ist er:

Kein Aufnahmen von Gefolterten veröffentlicht

putin puta 25.01.2008 - 15:16
Im Lebenslauf von John McCain gibt es eine eigentümliche Parallele zum mommentanen Skandal um die vernichteten Folter-Videos.

Auch Mc Cain wurde gefoltert und in diesem Zusammenhang sollen 32 Tonbänder gefertigt worden sein, Mc Cain soll durchgesetzt haben, dass dieser nicht veröffentlicht wurden.

Ihm soll angeblich 1968 angeboten worden sein aus der Kriegsgefangenschaft entlassen zu werden, was er ablehnte.

Er wurde, nach dem von Nixon bis nach seiner Wahl zum Präsidenten 1973 hinausgezögerten, Waffenstillstand, heimgeschickt.

Shaken by the success of anti-war candidate Eugene McCarthy in the New Hampshire primary, in March 1968 U.S. President Lyndon B. Johnson halted bombing operations over the northern portion of the DRV (Operation Rolling Thunder), in order to encourage Hanoi to begin negotiations. Shortly thereafter Hanoi agreed to discuss a complete halt of the bombing, and a date was set for representatives of both parties to meet in Paris. The sides first met on 10 May, with the delegations headed by Xuan Thuy, who would remain the official leader of the North Vietnamese delegation throughout the process, and U.S. ambassador-at-large Averell Harriman.

For five months the negotiations stalled as the DRV demanded that all bombing of North Vietnam be stopped, while the U.S. side demanded that North Vietnam agree to a reciprocal de-escalation in South Vietnam; it was not until 31 October that Johnson agreed to end the air strikes and serious negotiations could begin. Fearing that this breakthrough in the talks would propel his Democratic opponent to victory, Republican nominee in the 1968 U.S. Presidential election Richard M. Nixon intervened to persuade RVN President Nguyen Van Thieu to avoid the talks, promising him a better deal for South Vietnam under a Nixon presidency. [1]


32 Tonbänder

Vietnam Veterans Against McCain

On October 26, 1967, McCain's A-4 Skyhawk was shot down by an anti-aircraft missile, landing in Truc Bach Lake. He broke both arms and a leg after ejecting from his plane. After he regained consciousness, a mob gathered around him and stripped him of his clothing. He was then tortured by Vietnamese soldiers, who bayonetted him in his left foot and groin. His shoulder was crushed by a rifle butt. He was then transported to the Hoa Lo Prison, also known as the Hanoi Hilton.

Once McCain arrived at the Hanoi Hilton, he was placed in a cell and interrogated daily. When McCain refused to provide any information to his captors, he was beaten until he lost consciousness.

McCain signed an anti-American propaganda message which was written in Vietnamese, but only as a result of rigorous and brutal torture methods, which have rendered him incapable of raising his arms above his head. According to McCain, signing the propaganda message is something he most regrets during his time as a POW. After McCain signed the statement, the Vietnamese decided they could not use it. They tried to force him to sign a second statement, and this time he refused. He received two to three beatings per week because of his continued refusal.

McCain was held as a prisoner of war in North Vietnam for five-and-a-half years, mostly in the infamous Hanoi Hilton, and was finally released from captivity in 1973, having been a POW for almost an extra five years due to his earlier refusal to accept an out of turn repatriation offer.

"Missing, Presumed Dead: The Search For America's POWs" backs up allegations that John McCain repeatedly thwarted attempts by U.S. Senate investigators to examine the abandonment of American POWs in Southeast Asia and North Korea.

"Missing Presumed Dead," which won two film festival "Best Documentary" awards, explores McCain's successful attempt to pass a stealth bill in the Senate which effectively keeps his POW records sealed in perpituity and provides insight into why he does not want these records ever to be made public - including the revelation of the many propaganda radio broadcasts he delivered for the North Vietnamese. The film also explains why McCain's refusal of early release from a North Vietnamese POW camp had a less than honorable motive.

The charges against McCain are revealed in the documentary by such political luminaries as former New Hampshire Senator Bob Smith; Jesse Helms' chief of staff, Dr. James Lusier; former Congressman Bob Dornan; U.S. Senate lead investigator, Tracy Usery; and author, Dr. Joseph Douglass, Jr. ("Betrayed").

This documentary goes in depth to answer some of these persistant questions:

Why were these POWs abandoned?

Are some of these POWs still alive in North Korea and Vietnam?

Is John McCain really the president we want guiding our future generations?

According to Jerry Kiley, a group leader of Vietnam Vets against McCain, Kiley says, "John McCain has created this myth that he is a hero, and he is not."

Kiley's group cites as evidence a May, 1973, U.S. News & World Report article by McCain in which McCain said he realized, on his third or fourth day of captivity after his plane was shot down in 1967, that his knee was so swollen the blood might pool in it and kill him, so he offered to give military information to his captors in exchange for medical treatment.

Consequently several military missions were compromised.

"Missing, Presumed Dead" was supported by several POW/MIA organizations who cite John McCain as one of the biggest obstacles in resolving the abandonment of America's POW/MIAs. Go to  http://www.missingpresumeddead.com to learn more.


Jörg Cappallo 27.01.2008 - 17:23
Man kann sich sicherlich doch auch mal vertun, nicht wahr?
Männlein mit Weiblein verwechseln und Deutschland mit Russland.
Dass für viele Amerikaner hier immer noch Hitler regiert und der Irak ein Nachbarland ist, wo die Hottentotten hausen und Babys aus Brutkästen reißen, wird nun mehr als deutlich.
Dass auch ein erwiesener Psychocrat wie Mc Cain an Hirnfehlleistungen leidet, sollte daher nicht weiter verwundern. Der nächste Präsident der USA darf sicherlich nicht intelligenter sein als Bush, schließlich will man im Irak ja noch 10.000 Jahre bleiben, so Mc. Cain.


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