“Activist character, state bullying”

Translated by Diet Simon 12.11.2006 06:27 Themen: Atom Weltweit
An 80-year-old bedrock of the Gorleben resistance, Marianne Fritzen, has addressed anti-nuclear activists and police at the Dannenberg railhead where nuclear waste will arrive shortly to be trucked on to a dump 20 kms away. This is what she said:
Good evening friends.

And here we go again, like we have for 30 years. What is there left to say? Our reasons and our arguments have stayed the same.

People here have been taking to the streets for 30 years. For 30 years we’ve been trying to defend ourselves against atomic pollution. For 30 years we have proved time and time again that we can stand up to industry and politicians with creative, artistic, passive but also effective forms of resistance.

When we look at the agenda for these Castor days 2006 we know that we’re capable of a lot.

Much more than would fit into an agenda. So why do we do this? Because we can’t not do it. There’s too much at stake, for our progeny, for our world ...

Those of you standing there know why you don’t stay sitting in your warm living room.

You’re showing character, while the state yet again is showing strength and harshness. And that’s why I’m going to address a few words to the women and men of the police.

Dear police officials, who believe that you have to do your duty here: you’re not facing chaos mongers, nor criminals.

We’re honourable citizens of this country. Standing facing you are children, youths, mothers and fathers, housewives, farmers, crafts people, teachers, doctors, lawyers, scientists – maybe even some of your colleagues.

It’s up to you how we’re going to get through these days ahead. The “police as your friend and helper” should remain valid in this time, too.

Don’t allow yourselves to be made the beadles of industry, nor the beadles of the politicians. Once you’re no longer needed, you too will be sent into unemployment – perhaps with a regretful shrug of the shoulders.

Like prayer mills, the politicians keep harking on about Germany being bound by international law to bring back the atomic waste from France.

Let me put it cautiously: I’m not saying that’s a lie, but I am saying it’s fraud. The contract between the German power producers and the French Cogema company is a contract between energy giants, signed off on sovereign paper but by ambassadors. Politicians could negotiate a different contract.

Nor can I see, and I haven’t learnt to in 30 years, why our right to inviolability of life and the person must rank lower than the right of the nuclear mafia to tip its waste at our feet.

Dear friends, take good care of yourselves in the coming days and...

Dear women and men of the police, facing you are people who are also fighting for your lives and your future.
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Pictures of kids' demo

Diet 12.11.2006 - 06:51
Pictures of dem onstration by schoolchildren  http://de.indymedia.org/2006/11/161623.shtml

Pictures of kids' demo

Diet 12.11.2006 - 06:54

500 protested in Bremen

Diet 12.11.2006 - 06:57