Aborigines join Gorleben protest

http://www.smh.com.au/articles/2003/11/07/ 07.11.2003 11:30 Themen: Antirassismus Atom
November 7, 2003 - 6:05AM

Two Aborigine women whose people were contaminated by radiation
from an atomic bomb detonated in southern Australia in 1953 will join a
German anti-nuclear protest next week, organisers said.
Nina Brown, from the Irati Wanti campaign, and Karina Lester,
granddaughter of respected senior Aborigine Eileen Kampakuta Brown,
will join local farmers in a protest against the transport of nuclear
material through northern Germany.

In return, activists in the town of Dannenberg have pledged to offer
them "development aid" in their own protest against the building of a
nuclear waste dump in the Billa Kalina area in southern Australia.

Britain, with Australian help, detonated a 10 kiloton nuclear bomb at
Emu Junction in the desert of the state of South Australia on October
15 1953 without warning the aboriginal population, with a consequent
rise in radiation-related illnesses and birth defects.

Germany, which has no nuclear waste treatment facilities of its own,
sends its spent fuel rods to be reprocessed at a factory in northwest
France then ships them back to the northern town of Gorleben for

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