Anarchistischer Gewerkschaftssekretär in Serbien verhaftet

Anarcist 17.03.2003 10:39 Themen: Repression Soziale Kämpfe
Der Sekretär der serbischen ANARCHO-SYNDIKALISTISCHEN INITIATIVE (ASI) ist verhaftet worden.

Der Sekretär der serbischen ANARCHO-SYNDIKALISTISCHEN INITIATIVE (ASI), Ratibor "Rata" T., ist am 15. März unmittelbar nach Ausrufung des Ausnahmezustandes verhaftet worden und befindet sich seit drei Tagen in Haft, berichtet die Social Anarhisticna Federacija (SAF). Jede Verbindung zu einem Anwalt oder zur Außenwelt wird ihm verweigert. Unter dem Ausnahmezustand kann jede Person ohne Angabe von Gründen bis zu 30 Tagen in Haft gehalten werden. Sein Computer und eine Anzahl persönlicher Gegenstände wurden von der Polizei beschlagnahmt.

In einer Erklärung zur Ermordung des serbischen Ministerpräsidenten Zoran Djindjic hatte die ASI die Vermutung geäußert, dass die serbischen Behörden die Situation nutzen werden, um mit Menschenrechten und den wenigen erkämpften Freiheiten aufzuräumen. Eine Vermutung, die leider schneller Realität wurde, als viele erwartet haben.

Aktuelle Infos u.a. auf
und (auf Serbisch)

Original-Nachricht der Social Anarhisticna Federacija (SAF):

(en) Serbia, Fresh repression - A-synd. secretary imprisoned

Date Sun, 16 Mar 2003 16:14:03 +0100 (CET)
source: ALTER-EE (Alternative Eastern Europe mailing list)

> After our statement we were threatened by telephone. We will keep you informed when we can. on you can check some news about our statements and actions but it is all in Serbian....
> Anarcho-syndicalist greetings
> Rata [Rata is meanwhile imprisoned without having any chance of contact. LPA]
Revolutionary SOLIDARITY!

As you know, president of serbian government was assassinated last week in Belgrade. Anarcho-syndicalist initiative (only organised anarchist group in Serbia) made a statement about their position to assassination (it was sended to alter EE) soon after he was killed. In this statement they estimated that "Zoran Djindjic, the criminal, was killed by another criminals" and that this clash is not our clash, but "clash between those who hold the power and governance for more power and broader governance". In the statement ASI also estimates, that his dead will change nothing for the exploited people of Serbia: "The so-called reforms will proceed, the thousands of people will be laid off and their lives will continue to be shoved under the carpet of the privatization".

In Serbia, after the killing, "extraordinary precaution" was imposed by the State. Ministry of labor also made an "frightening statement in which is crushing one of the basic human rights, right to syndical organizing and the right to strike." In this sircumstances the State and its apparates has all authorizations they need to use every "means neccesary". "To remain vigilant in the moment such as the present one is of the outmost importance."

ASI made clear in its statement, that they refuse the orders of the State and ministry of labor and that they will continue with its work and actions. ASI also made apeal to all "the exploited in Serbia to organize themselves in to strong revolutionary organizations in order to get rid of the essential problems once and for all: economical system of exploitation - Capitalism and hierarchised social organization - the State."

>From the statement we can see that ASI fears of represion, State violence and terror: "The small amount of freedom which was gained during fifth of October rebellion will be taken away. With anguish we are expecting forthcoming encounters with the forces of the law." It is clear that the State will use opportunity of "extraordinary circumstances" for "fight with all of the dissident voices and attempts of organizing resistance." Under the mask of "anti-terrorism" the State will take this "small ammount of
freedom" from people and every act of anti-neoliberalism and no
"pro-democratic" will be accused for terrorist act.

ASI was right! Repression started already...

Secreatary of ASI, our comrade and dedicated anarchist, Rata, was arrested at his home. He is in prison and police also took his personal computer and some other materials from his home. His in prison for more then 3 days and it is imposible to make any comuniaction with him. In this circumstances, arrested people can be held in prison up to 30 days.

Comrades from Serbia will inform us about update situation and when this case will be more clear they will say what we can do to help our comrades in Serbia.

Lets be prepared for needed solidarity and protest against the State
repression! Let us not allow that the rulling class in Serbia (and in other parts), can for protection of its interests, position and its Capital, in the name of "anti-terrorism" make violence and terror against our comrades which are struggling for classless society and social justice!

And lets continue with the process of Revolutionary Solidarity - our
struggle against the State and capitalism!

anarchist greetings,
T. (SAF)

Social Anarhisticna Federacija

PS: Update will follow... You can try to contact Serbian comrades by the telephone:
Secretariat of Anarcho-Syndicalist Initiative (ASI)
Contact phone # +381-63-263-775
Contact E-mail: (probably out of order)


16. mart 2003.
Anarhista pušten iz zatvora

Trodnevna neizvesnost je okoncana - Ratibor Trivunac je pušten iz zatvora. Uhapšen je u popodnevnim casovima 14. marta na osnovu naredbe ministra rada, Milovanovica, a zbog proglasa ASI-ja upucenom svim medijima povodom ubistva Zorana Ðindica. Tom prilikom je policija zaplenila Ratiborov kompjuter i po nekoliko primeraka svakog broja Direktne akcije.

Problematican deo proglasa, pored oslovljavanja ubijenog premijera "kriminalcem", tice se ASI-jevog odbijanja naredenja ministarstva za rad, koje je doneto u skladu sa merama uvedenim zavodenjem vanrednog stanja.

Prethodnih dana u neizvesnosti smo iscekivali odluku sudije da li ce Ratibor biti gonjen krivicno ili prekršajno, od cega je zavisilo da li ce advokat moci da razgovara sa njim. Drugim recima, direktnog kontakta sa Ratom nije bilo, a u slucaju eventualnog pokretanja krivicnog procesa, niko, ni advokat, ne bi imao pravo da razgovara sa njim do daljnjega.

Sinoc, 15. marta, ocekivalo se cak Ratiborovo javljanje, ali umesto toga javio se policajac koji ga je uhapsio. On je rekao da je Ratiboru dobro, da se požalio da mu je hladno, pa je policajac pozvao njegovu majku da mu donese džemper. Sve je izgledalo kao da ce sutrašnje konacno donošenje odluke o vrsti pravnog postupka koji ce biti poveden protiv njega (krivicni ili prekršajni), znaciti i njegovo puštanje na slobodu. Ali, umesto da do toga dode, sudija je odlucio da ga prebace u Centralni zatvor. Džemper je uzeo policajac, a majci nije dozvoljeno da ga vidi.

Ipak, danas, 16. marta, kasno popodne, Ratibor je pušten na slobodu, a kompjuter mu je uredno vracen. Zbog vanrednog stanja on je i dalje pod policijskim nadzorom i zbog toga ce detaljniji izveštaj biti dostupan tek po ukidanju vanrednog stanja.

Ruke su nam potpuno vezane. Sve što možemo da uradimo jeste da se prilagodimo novonastaloj situaciji.
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die angst in serbien...

serbe 17.03.2003 - 14:58 die angst vor einem wiedererstarkten linksfaschismus und nur zu verständlich. in diesem kontext ist zu wünschen, dass entsprechende kräfte nicht die oberhand gewinnen.

"serbe" ist ein deutscher

17.03.2003 - 15:26
unter einem artikel zu nazis in italien hat er sih italiener genannt, um seine anti-links propaganda zu machen.

Ratibor Trivunac ist frei

Milla 17.03.2003 - 17:47


Kastrioit Zeka 17.03.2003 - 20:28
Solidarische Grüße aus Kosova. Obwohl ich kein Anarchist bin wünsche ich euch viel Erfolg gegen die nationalistisch neoliberale DOS Bande. Aber auch Kraft gegen die offenen Postfaschisten aus den Lagern Seseljs und den Milosevic Gangstern.
Viele Grüße
Kastriot Zeka
Peja- Pec

George Orwells Neusprech...

Punxatan 18.03.2003 - 11:34
Was ist denn "Linksfaschismus"? Nehmen wir ein paar Begriffe, schütteln sie schön durcheinander und verwässern die Inhalte...