McDonalds day of action, Mexican comrades need help

A-Infos ( 27.10.2002 09:59 Themen: Globalisierung Soziale Kämpfe
94 demonstrators were arrested in an Anti-McDonalds protest last 16th October. Each protestor is being held under a bond of 14,000$.
McDonalds day of action, Mexican comrades need help

94 demonstrators were arrested in an Anti-McDonalds protest last 16th October. Each protestor is being held under a bond of 14,000$.The Mexico City Anti-McDonalds protest was held from the Monumento a laRevoluciOn to Zocalo last October 16th at 4 p.m. to denounce thetransnational companies which plunder poor countries and trample over their flora and fauna without respecting anybody. This transnational company, acauser of great harm to humanity in social and economic aspects, has lodgeda criminal complaint against the young people arrested. The march was repressed by the Secretary of Public Security, in other words, the State,resulting in 94 protestors arrested in Cuauthemoc District, Agency 57.They are held under the accusation of damaging Federal Property and carrying explosives, which were simply fireworks. Once arrested, the State, skilledin the art of extortion, has posted a bond of 14,000$ for each protestor,just for damaging a shade umbrella and a windowpane, as well as refusing their rights to make a phone call or use the toilets.We denounce and reject the extortion suffered by our friends and comrades.We call on Social Organisations and the general public to support the struggle of those who are opposed to the sale and destruction of their country and the whole world by transnational assassins.Long live free expression: today us, tomorrow who knows.The bank account to support the prisoners [finacnially, demonstrations, messages of solidarity a re also apreciated]is:
Name of bank: BBV
Bancomer Account number: 1299949054
Recipient:Martha Cecilia Garcia Juarez

Originally published in Spanish at: article_id=3486&group=webcastOriginally

posted by Caravana Libertaria:
Translated by Red Libertaria Apoyo Mutuo:
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