[B] Video: Refugee's Revolution Demonstration

crosspoint 28.03.2013 17:02 Themen: Antifa Antirassismus
Nation-wide mobilization more and more successful!
5000 at Refugees‘Revolution demo!

Videolink:  http://youtu.be/JD_2kUrLZ6s
„The Refugees' Revolution demonstration of 23.03.2013 with over 5000 participants again sets a strong signal against our exclusion, isolation and inhumane living conditions. It is an unequivocal rejection of a government policy of ignorance, repression and blockade against our claims and actions.

We continue to gain strength and endurance -- every day!

We repeat and renew our demands:
Abolition of Residenzpflicht nationwide!
Closure of all refugee camps! Free choice of place of residence in the cities!
Affordable housing for all!
Stop the deportations!
No tolerance of Duldung!
Equal rights and self-determined participation in all social life! These include: work permit, voluntary and free language courses, health care and participation in all political decisions!

We will not leave until our demands are met!

More Informations: refugeesrevolution.blogsport.de
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