Dutch fascist politician coming to Berlin

AFA-Nijmegen 22.09.2010 19:35 Themen: Antifa Antirassismus
On the 2nd of october the Dutch rightwing extremist politician Geert Wilders will travel to Berlin for the founding of the new political party of René Stadtkewitz (member of the board of the Bürgerbewegung Pax Europa). Stadtkewitz will found his party “Die Freiheit” on the 2nd of october after he had been kicked out of the Berlin CDU faction due to his anti-islam sentiments and his contacts with rightwing extremists. Wilders is planning to speech at the founding of the party and he will show his controversial anti-islam propagandafilm “Fitna”.
On the 2nd of october the Dutch rightwing extremist politician Geert Wilders will travel to Berlin for the founding of the new political party of René Stadtkewitz (member of the board of the Bürgerbewegung Pax Europa). Stadtkewitz will found his party “Die Freiheit” on the 2nd of october after he had been kicked out of the Berlin CDU faction due to his anti-islam sentiments and his contacts with rightwing extremists. Wilders is planning to speech at the founding of the party and he will show his controversial anti-islam propagandafilm “Fitna”.

Geert Wilders and his “Partij Voor de Vrijheid” (PVV), which translates ad party for freedom, have stirred up Dutch politics, with his xenofobe message Wilders succeeds in gainig support in large parts of the Dutch population. At the national elections in june 2010 the PVV won 24 seats (out of 150) in the Dutch parliament. Recently the PVV has been giving their essential support for a rightwing government. Wilders’essential support creates a majority in parliament which is needed for a rightwing government.

The PVV has gotten allor of attention for their statements on Maroccan youth and moslims. According to the PVV Maroccan youth who don’t “behave” should be shot in their knees. Furthermore the PVV argues for remigration of non-western immigrants, putting further restrictions on Dutch abortion law and the PVV is engaging in apartheidspolitiek towards migrants from islamic countries with several proposals for laws and measures like a tax on islamic headscarves. The PVV is also critisized for their complete lack of internal democracy. The PVV only has one member: Geert Wilders. He has total power over the party and it is impossible for other people to become a member of the party. Even other PVV parliament member arent party members.

Wilders is not only gaining support in the Netherland, also in the rest of the world Wilders is progressing. He recently announced the founding of the International Freedom Alliance. In this alliance Wilders wants to join forces of populist rightwing extremists all over the world in his battle against the islam. In Germany PI-News and the Bürgerbewegung Pax Europa have joined this alliance. On the 11th of september Wilders was present at a manifestation against the construction of a islamic centre a few blocks away from ground zero. Wilders was asked to come to New York by radical christian organisations who are, next being irrationaly anti-islamic, anti-abortion and anti-homosexual.

The antifascist action Nijmegen (NL) has given a Dutch documentary about Wilders German subtitels so people in Germany know who exactely is giving support to people like Stadtkewitz. Furthermore the movie is a warning, because the speed at which a different sort of rightwing extremism is spreading hate and fear in society is enormous.

You can watch the movie on our youtube channel via

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Gemeinsame Anreise zur Potsdamer Antifademo

Antifa Berlin 23.09.2010 - 17:00
Gemeinsame Anreise zur Potsdamer Antifademo

Bahnhof Alexanderplatz | Samstag 25.09. | 14:15Uhr

"Wake up" - Heraus zur antifaschistischen Demo in Potsdam. Gemeinsam setzen wir ein kraftvolles und lautstarkes Zeichen gegen rechte Gedanken und Strukturen. Fahnen und Transpis nicht vergessen. Alerta Antifascista! (Regiogleis 2, Abfahrt 14.33 Uhr - Westberliner können 14.47 Uhr Bhf. Zoo zusteigen)

Wilders ein Right Wing?

Anton 29.09.2010 - 18:36
Es wird immer peinlicher?
Inwieweit vertritt er denn faschistische Positionen?