Reddelich Camp

Eric Blair 30.05.2007 18:40 Themen: G8
Today the Reddelich Camp is being set up for people to stay at while they protest the G8
The Camp at Reddelich is about seven kilometers south of Heilingendamm where the G8 will meet from the 6-8 of July. Thousands of people will protest and they will need placesto stay. Three camps are the answer. The camps officially open on Friday, 1 June but theye are open for people to come and help set up now. There is actually quite a need for people to come and do just that. Bring a tent as it will probably rain. Be prepared to help out as this is the kind of project that we do and not the kind that someone does for us. Today there was delicious food from the kitchens and the sun came out and cheered us all up.

On another note, police are filling the whole area. Yesterday the police stopped the Vinnland Caravan on their way to Wichmannsdorf Camp. That Camp is now behind in setting up and needs your help. Police are all around and driving past the camps but don^t let them intimidate you. We never thought that the G8 would let itself be abolished.
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More photos

E B 30.05.2007 - 19:02
Here are some more of the photos i took.

Fotos: Kriminalisiernde Fahrradkontrollen

flopserver 30.05.2007 - 23:31

reddelich von oben

kameraturm wech 31.05.2007 - 03:12
Alle wichtigen Infos in Google Earth:
zaun, demoroute, bombodrom, camps, flugahfen...

Beiträge die keine inhaltliche Ergänzung darstellen

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