Anarchist bloc at trade union march

(A) 31.07.2004 13:10 Themen: Soziale Kämpfe
July 29, Santiago (Chile) - An anarchist contingent used a trade union march to present a revolutionary alternative to empty rhetoric and reformist politics, spray-painting anarchist slogans over advertisements, interrupting the speech of the top union bureaucrat, and throwing stones and firebombs at riot police. At the same time, anonymous groups were raising barricades in the streets at several points throughout the city. The CUT trade union federation, of course, denounced the barricades.
July 29, Santiago (Chile) - An anarchist contingent used a trade union march to present a revolutionary alternative to empty rhetoric and reformist politics, spray-painting anarchist slogans over advertisements, interrupting the speech of the top union bureaucrat, and throwing stones and firebombs at riot police. At the same time, anonymous groups were raising barricades in the streets at several points throughout the city. The CUT trade union federation, of course, denounced the barricades.
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link chile imc

ergänzer 31.07.2004 - 17:51

Beiträge die keine inhaltliche Ergänzung darstellen

Verstecke die folgenden 2 Kommentare

tz tz

Mimikri 31.07.2004 - 19:10
Also ich seh' ein paar militante Fans des dogmatischen Schwarzfahnenschwenkens ... langweilig und keine Inhalte.

@ Mimikri

Is doch egal 31.07.2004 - 22:35
Zum Glück nicht ganz so langweilig wie Dein Beitrag.
By the way: Wenn Du Probleme mit dem Sehen hast, such doch mal nen Augenarzt auf.