Castor alarm in Ahaus! - WigA 05.02.2004 00:49 Themen: Atom
Münsterland anti-nuclear activists have declared a Castor alarm for Ahaus. Well informed sources say a transport is likely at the end of February/early March.
A demonstration is being called in front of the Ahaus town hall on Thursday, 5 February, with a massive police presence already announced.
Plans for an autobahn action day have been brought forward by a week and the actions will now take place on 28 February.

As with the Castor transport to Ahaus in 1998, police and politicians are apparently trying to avoid the expected massive protests with a ?surprise coup?.

On 26 February the Upper Administrative Court in Münster will hand down its ruling on a suit by the Ahaus Civic Action Group against the exceptional permits issued by the Federal Agency for Radiation Protection (BfS, Bundesamt für Strahlenschutz) for the storage of new Castor types in the Ahaus storage shed in 2000 and 2001. If, as expected, the court rules the permits admissible, the BfS will post-haste give the green light for the transport from Rossendorf to Ahaus.
It has been learned from reliable sources that then the Castors will roll within the shortest possible time span.

The first preparations of the police and the Technical Assistance Agency (THW) in Ahaus have also been observed.

The North-Rhine Westphalian interior ministry has announced to the media that it had a meeting about the Castor transports today. Another is planned for next week. The BfS will still not say anything about the permit for the Ahaus Castors, arguing that the matter is sub judice for the moment.

Therefore, once more, reference to the demo on Thursday, 5 February, 5.30 pm in front of Ahaus council chambers. The farmers have announced that for the first time since 1998 they will again support the resistance with tractors.

The police have said they will seal off the chambers hermetically and allow entry to the council session only to Ahaus citizens. So let?s look forward to a big, colourful demo.

Autobahn action day already on 28 February!!!

Because of latest developments, the national autobahn action day is bring brought forward by a week and will now be on 28 February.
Many initiatives are preparing a broad variety of protests along autobahns along the possible routes from Dresden to Ahaus.
Take part in the protests and plan actions! (s. und ).

The autobahn routes are:

The next Sunday Stroll in Ahaus is on 15 February at 2 pm, starting from the railway station. Come one and all!!

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The text on the protest tractor rhymes in German:
They sent millions
Confused you in your heads
A few roundabouts and the fountain
Are the results of these sums

Now you think it?s wonderful
But later your heirs will realise
That money isn?t everything
When it comes pissing down atomically
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