Rope climber delays uranium waste train

Diet Simon, adapting German source 05.06.2008 04:52 Themen: Atom
On Wednesday 4 June another 1,000 tonnes of depleted uranium (UF6) left by train from the URENCO enrichment plant in Gronau, Germany, for transportation to Russia by ship from Rotterdam. A French female activist, a climbing champion, held the train up for 77 minutes near Münster by suspending herself about 15 metres above the track on a rope.
Cécile Lecomte, based at Lüneburg in north Germany, stopped a similar nuclear waste train with a similar action for nearly seven hours in January.

She regularly faces trials in courts but has vowed to continue as long as nuclear installations are used.

Urenco has announced it would stop shipping to Russia next year and send the waste from Germany’s only uranium enrichment factory to Pierrelatte in France instead.

Pictures of the action are at and a fuller report on the protest in German at
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