Boykott der Antisemiten-Supershow

Antifa D-Dorf 29.08.2013 19:58 Themen: Antifa Kultur
Während man sich in Frankfurt mit ein paar versprengten Neofolkern beschäftigt, feiern 30.000 die Antisemiten-Show von Roger Waters unter dem Deckmäntelchen der Israelkritik. In Düsseldorf wehrt sich nun zumindest die Jüdische Gemeinde gegen diese Ungeheuerlichkeit.
Im schwarzen Ledermantel mit roter Armbinde bekleidet, ballert der Sänger mit einem Maschinengewehr ins Publikum. In der Luft schwebt ein aufblasbares Schwein, das als Projektionsfläche für einen Davidstern dient. Doch nicht irgendeine Blood&Honor-Band suhlt sich hier in ekelerregender Ästhetik, sondern Roger Waters, seines Zeichens Gründungsmitglied von Pink Floyd. Mit seiner "The Wall"-Show war er bereits in Frankfurt am Main zu sehen, für Anfang September (6. September) steht der Auftritt in in Düsseldorf an. Dort jedoch hat er massiven Protest bei der Jüdischen Gemeinde der Stadt geweckt. Sie ruft dazu auf, das Konzert von Waters zu boykottieren. "Roger Waters ist ein geistiger Brandstifter, für den es in unserer Stadt kein Forum geben darf”, erklärte Gemeindeverwaltungsdirektor Michael Szentei-Heise am Donnerstag in scharfem Ton.“Das gesamte Bühnenbild weckt eindeutige Assoziationen an die Reichsparteitage und die Propaganda der NSDAP”, sagte Szentei-Heise. Waters trete im Ledermantel und mit schwarz-roter Armbinde auf. “Es macht Angst, wenn Zehntausende diese Veranstaltung besuchen und trotz antisemitischer und nationalsozialistischer Symbolik zu Roger Waters’ Musik feiern, tanzen und applaudieren.” Das Pink-Floyd-Album ‘The Wall’ kam 1979 auf den Markt. Zahlreiche der jetzt kritisierten nationalsozialistischen Symboliken wurden bereits 1982 in dem Film von Alan Parker inszenierten Film genutzt, auf dem die Live-Shows basiert.
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frmf 30.08.2013 - 07:50
Die Projektion stammt von Waters. Bei seiner neuen Show sind auf dem Schwein ein Davidstern sowie Hammer und Sichel.

Wie hier zu sehen:

Laut Roger Waters sind auf dem Schwein Symbole des Bösen zusehen.
Nach einer Weile rumfliegen darf das Publikum das Schwein zerstören.

Mal ne andere Quelle

Hannah 30.08.2013 - 18:37
Möchte eure einseitige Darstellung mal mit einem Artikel aus der israelischen Zeitung Haaretz ergänzen:

Es gibt eine Antwort

Mitdenker 02.09.2013 - 21:05
Roger Waters hat selbst einen offenen Brief als Antwort zu den Vorwürfen verfasst:

"Dear Rabbi Cooper,

I hold your outburst to be inflammatory and un-helpful and would suggest it can only impede progress towards peace and understanding between people. It is also extremely insulting to me personally in that you accuse me of being ‘Anti Semitic’, ‘A Jew Hater’ and ‘Nazi Sympathizer’

I have three specific points to make:

1). Your use of the adjective “ANTI-SEMITIC”.

First I direct you to an announcement by ‘The Anti Defamation League’ an American organization, who’s declared aim is to defend Jewish people and Judaism from attack. They recently said.

“While we wish that Mr. Waters would have avoided using the Star of David, we believe there is no anti-Semitic intent here.”

I should point out that in the show, I also use the Crucifix, the Crescent and Star, the Hammer and Sickle, the Shell Oil Logo and The McDonald’s Sign, a Dollar Sign and a Mercedes sign.

2). JEW-HATING? I have many very close Jewish friends, one of whom, interestingly enough, is the nephew of the late Simon Wiesenthal. I am proud of that association; Simon Wiesenthal was a great man. Also I have two grandsons who, I love more than life itself, their Mother, my daughter in law, is Jewish and so, in consequence, I’m told, are they.

3). NAZI? Not only did my father, 2nd Lieutenant Eric Fletcher Waters, die in Italy on February 18th 1944 fighting the Nazis, but I was brought up in post war England where I received the most thorough education on the subject of Nazism and where I was spared no horrific detail of the heinous crimes committed in the name of that most foul ideology. I remember my mother’s friends Claudette and Maria, I remember their tattoos, they where survivors, two of the lucky ones.

My Mother spent the whole of the rest of her life, involved politically to make sure the future for her children and grandchildren, in fact for everyone’s children and grandchildren, black, white, Gentile, Jew, Latino, Asian, Muslim, Hindu, Buddhist, et al, had no Sword of Damocles in the form of the despised Nazi Creed hanging over their heads.

I for my part, as best I can, have continued along my parent’s path. At the age of nearly 70, in the spirit of my Father and Mother and all they did, I have stood my ground, as best I can, in defense of Mistress Liberty.

The Wall Show, so lamely attacked by you, is many things. It is thoughtful, life affirming, ecumenical, humane, loving, anti war, anti colonial, pro universal access to the law, pro liberty, pro collaboration, pro dialogue, pro peace, anti authoritarian, anti fascist, anti apartheid, anti dogma, international in spirit, musical and satirical.

It is not.


I have often come under attack by the pro Israel lobby because of my support for BDS, (Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions) which I won't go into here, anyone interested can access a speech I made at The United Nations on the 29th November last year.

However I will say this, in a functioning theocracy it is almost inevitable that the symbol of the religion becomes confused with the symbol of the state, in this case the State of Israel, a state that operates Apartheid both within its own borders and also in the territories it has occupied and colonized since 1967.

Like it or not, the Star of David represents Israel and its policies and is legitimately subject to any and all forms of non violent protest. To peacefully protest against Israel’s racist domestic and foreign policies is NOT ANTI-SEMITIC. Your contention that because I criticize the Policies of the Israeli government I should be lumped in with the Muslim Brotherhood is risible, and again a personal affront. I have spent my whole adult life advocating separation of church and state.

At every Wall Show I invite 20 vets from whatever country we are in backstage at half time to meet, exchange handshakes and good wishes and mementos. At one show, a year or so ago, an older vet, Vietnam era, at a guess, blocked my exit, he put out his hand which I took, he did not let go, he looked me in the eyes and he said " Your Father would be proud of you."

Tears burn my eyes.

The Wall is reaching out to you and all the other Rabbi Cooper’s out there.

Come to the show!




For the sake of some perspective. The inflatable pig that so offended young Alon has appeared at every Wall Show since September 2010, some 193 shows, yours is the first complaint. Also the pig in question represents evil, and more specifically the evil of errant government. We make a gift of this symbol of repression to the audience at the end of every show and the people always do the right thing. They destroy it."

Simon Wiesenthal Center

Antisemitismus erkennen! 02.09.2013 - 22:49
Roger Waters meint kein Antisemit zu sein. Er sei "Israelkritiker" und behauptet der Davidsstern auf dem Schwein sei Symbol für den vorderasiatischen Staat.
Der Davidsstern steht als Symbol für das Judentum.
Nach Waters Aussagen sei das Schwein mit Symbolen des "Bösen" verziert. Neben Davidsstern finden sich Firmenlogos und Hammer und Sichel.
Nach der Auffassung Roger's sei demzufolge der Staat Israel ein Staat des "Bösen". Die Dämonisierung Israels ist keine Kritik des Staates - sie ist antisemitisch.

Wiesenthal Center: By Floating a Pig Balloon Stamped With Star of David at His Concert, Roger Waters Has Moved to the Front of the Line of Anti-Semites

The Simon Wiesenthal Center is denouncing former Pink Floyd singer Roger Waters for his recent performance in Belgium that, according to an Israeli concertgoer’s account to YNET News, featured a giant pig balloon emblazoned with a Jewish Star of David floating above the audience.
“Waters has been a supporter of the anti-Israel BDS (Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions) movement. Forget Israel/Palestine. Waters deployed a classic disgusting medieval anti-Semitic caricature widely used by both Nazi and Soviet propaganda to incite hatred against Jews,” charged Rabbi Abraham Cooper, associate dean of the Simon Wiesenthal Center, a leading Jewish Human Rights NGO that combats bigotry and anti-Semitism worldwide.

“We call on other figures in the entertainment community to condemn this grotesque display of Jew-hatred and await the condemnation from those BDS campaigners who claim their goal is to help bring peace and reconciliation between Israelis and Palestinians,” Cooper concluded.

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pink floyd antisemiten? — wasnquatsch

Alles Scheiße! — Fight yourself