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Über die Verhaftung von Fei Mayer in Gr.

occupied london 15.01.2011 16:09
One day after the arrest of four comrades (update 470), the antiterrorist agency arrested the comrade Fei Mayer. She is accused for participation in a terrorist group (the name of the group has not yet been decided by the cops). Lawyers or information about what she is accused is considered luxury for people arrested in greece, so she doesn’t have any of these. The mass media come to fill the gap of the not-existing evidence, so they have started to transmit surreal scenarios about their parents being members of RAF and other armed groups in Germany. They also “informed” us that her father was killed during a guerrilla action in Germany! Of course, her father is still alive, maybe he is a bit more insecure after he was informed about his death.

The crime of Fei is solidarity and dignity.
One day after the arrest of four comrades (update 470), the antiterrorist agency arrested the comrade Fei Mayer. She is accused for participation in a terrorist group (the name of the group has not yet been decided by the cops). Lawyers or information about what she is accused is considered luxury for people arrested in greece, so she doesn’t have any of these. The mass media come to fill the gap of the not-existing evidence, so they have started to transmit surreal scenarios about their parents being members of RAF and other armed groups in Germany. They also “informed” us that her father was killed during a guerrilla action in Germany! Of course, her father is still alive, maybe he is a bit more insecure after he was informed about his death.

The crime of Fei is solidarity and dignity.
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even if her "crime" — is for planning