antifascist action in novi sad (serbia)

pga 14.10.2007 17:08 Themen: Antifa
a report from an antifascist action in novi sad (serbia). according to the activists, actions like these are new for that region.

bericht über eine antifa-aktion in novi sad (serbien). laut den aktivisten sind solche aktionen neu für diese region. zusammenfassung: 500 bürgerliche demonstranten unterschiedlichster spektren und 150-200 leute aus dem spektrum von antifa, verschiedener radikal autonom/anarchistisch, anarcho-syndikalistischer gruppen, arbeiterpartei, gay-rights aktivisten, feministinnen, etc, haben sich versammelt um einen naziaufmarsch zu stoppen. die nazis haben ihre versammlung nicht abgehalten, es kam allerdings zu einer auseinandersetzung zwischen nazis und antifas vor einem cafe in dem sich 30 nazis aufhielten. es flogen u.a. steine.
On October 7th there was antifa protest in city Novi Sad as a reply to the
march the fascists were supposed to have the same day. There were various
anarchist collectives (antifas, various radical anarchists autonomus,
anarcho-sindicalists, workers party;, activists for gay
rights, feminists, etc), about 150-200 of us. Also there were bunch
of ngos and a few political organisations and parties (mostly with liberal
and capitalistic orientations). there was about 500 of them and they were
pasive and always in back lines (but at least they gave us number). Also
there were citizens of Novi Sad, but they were just watching the show.
We waited for nazis to show on the square where their meeting was supposed to
take place, but they of course didn't come. Afther that we walked
trough town and met about 30 nazis. They were sitting in some restaurant,
with high fence, that belongs to serbian army.
Between us and them was riot police, fence and 50 meters yard. Because of
the distance first there was only verbal conflict, but after a few minutes
they aproached fence. Both sides were throwing stones and things, there
was also attempt of throwing a flare, but it falled on cops. Riot police
tried to push us away few times, but there was to much of us. After some
time police entered the yard and arrested the nazis, so there was no face
to face confrotation. No one was hurt badly.
This is the first event of this kind in Serbia. We think it was more or
less ok. We are only sorry that police was standing between us and the
nazis (or better to say cops were protecting them). Also we were
disappointed because bunch of people that we know didn't come.
But it was ok, now we know it can be done, so we hope that the next time
there will be more of us.. All in all, this was one small step for
mankind, but big for this region!

Antifa greetings from Serbia.
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user 14.10.2007 - 20:16
wirklich super aktion! und gut,dass die antifa jetzt in serbien aktiv ist. denn es war die erste antifa-demo gegen neonazis. vor zwei jahren gab es den ersten neonazi-prozess, mit ziemlich hohen strafen. es ging damals um die gleichen leute, um goran davidovic und seine anhänger. (sein grausiges weblog wurde inzwischen gesperrt). also es läuft gut für die serbische antifaszene. hoffentlich macht das auch in anderen städten schule. gerade die belgrader antifa sollte sich da mal was abgucken und zusammenfinden. ok, hier noch so material aus´m netz:

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hintergrund novi sad:


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tz 14.10.2007 - 19:26
klasse aktion ... gibt bilder oder videos ?