Appeal for the life of Pegah Emambakhsh

Roberto Malini - Matteo Pegoraro 24.08.2007 10:59
... and we must e begin to fight also for the life of Jasmine k., than Germany wants to deport towards the death!

The United Kingdomand the Germany are violating all the international Conventions deciding to repatriate Pegah Emambakhsh and Jasmine K to Iran, where they are condemned to death because of their homosexuality.
The case of Pegah

Pegah Emambakhsh is an Iranian lesbian of forty years, escaped from her country where, forced to the wedding by the family, she was having a story of love with a woman.
In 2005, in order to avoid the persecution, with great courage and risking her life she's escaped to the United Kingdom asking for asylum.

Even if the United Kingdom undersigned the convention that protect homosexual refugees to the risk of persecution by their native land, the asylum has been denied. But it's not all: she has been emprisoned and condemned to the deportation and not just pushed out over the frontier: she's going to be deported to the death.

The EveryOne Group promoted an appeal, with some Iranian groups for the protection of the human rights. A big People's Movement in favour of the life of Pegah and the rights of the refugees has been created. Although thousands of letters and protests of Italian and European political authorities, intellectuals and activists of all the world, experts of international rights, United Kingdom is not receding from the decision to deport Pegah and the single result that have been obtained is an extension of few days. The deportation has been fixed for 28 August 2007, with the flight for Tehran of the 21.35.

In the meanwhile the movement for the life of Pegah grows and the initiatives to protests are multiplied.

Pegah Emambakhsh is now in the Yarl's Wood Immigration Removal Centre, that is defined "acceptance centre", near Sheffield. The asylum has been denied with inconsistent motivations, including the fact that there are no proofs of her homosexuality.
In Germany too, a young lesbian woman, Jasmine K. requested political asylum, but she too was turned down by the authorities for the same insubstantial reason: she cannot prove she is a lesbian.
The “Universal Declaration of Human Rights” and the " Convention Relating to the Status of Refugees" protect those who are persecuted because of their diversity without them having to prove it. Homosexuality is an inclination that exists at the moment it is perceived or merely declared by a human being. Asking for proof of such inclination is a violation of human rights.
The State of Israel took in Jewish refugees from the Holocaust on the mere basis of their declarations. Many of them were without identification papers.

This is the only way to respect human rights. The alternative would be the humiliating demonstration of one’s sexual preferences, pointless clinical and psychological testing and inquisitorial procedures damaging to a person’s privacy and human dignity.

The EveryOne group firmly requests that Pegah Emambakhsh, Jasmine K and all the other people persecuted for their homosexuality be taken in as refugees by countries that consider themselves civilized and safeguarded from the effects of intolerance.

Till this moment, although dozen of thousands of persons - including personalities from politics fields, culture, information and show - have joined to the appeal written to the government, to the British magistracy and to the media, protested at Embassies and Consulates, the United Kingdom is not back tracked and has confirmed the deportation of Pegah towards the torture and the lapidation.

For the Everyone Group: Roberto Malini, Matteo Pegoraro, Ahmad Rafat, Dario Picciau, Steed Gamero, Lavitzky Branches, Arsham Seemed.

In order to join and undersign the appeal to dave the life of Pegah Emambakhsh, send an email to to or specifing your name and last name (if you want, your opinion too) with the Subject “Adhesion appeal case Pegah Emambakhsh”.

We pray you to diffuse the appeal to all your knowing friends. Thanks for the help and the collaboration.
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Auf Deutsch

entsetzt ... 24.08.2007 - 17:11,geo=2326404.html

Herauszufinden, nach welchen Regeln in der BRD Menschenleben gewertet werden, obwohl das Grundgesetz und auch die Charta der UN schon den Gedanken daran schlicht verbieten, scheint unergründlich im Behoerden-Dschungel. Dass es das aber gibt, diese an die Nazi-Ära erinnernde Praxis, zeigt sich zurzeit exemplarisch:

- in Aghanistan ist eine von zwei (deutschen) Geiseln - noch - am Leben. Die Bundesregierung weigert sich, auf die Forderungen der Entführer einzugehen, denn das könnte Erpressbarkeit signalisieren - was denn sonst, na und? - und der verzweifelte Entführte muss ernsthaft damit rechnen, so wie sein Mitgekidnapter ermordet zu werden.

Aber da bleiben wir hart, weil dann nicht mehr entführt wird (???).

- Im Iran, in Persien, ist, wie der oben eingestellte Artikel erklärt, eine junge Frau von der Hinrichtung bedroht, weil sie entgegen den Gesetzen des Gottesstaates sich erlaubte, Frauen den Männern vorzuziehen in Bezug auf ihre sexuelle Orientierung. Dass die Todesstrafe in Steinigen bestehen wird, macht das Urteil nicht grausamer als wenn Hängen oder sonst eine Tötungsmethode ihr drohen würde... Nun ist sie aber hier, wo die Scharia nicht greift. Oder doch? Nach Aussagen ihrer Mutter, die im Iran (!!) befragt wurde, ist diese Frau garnicht lesbisch. Und - schwupps - entscheiden deutsche Behörden, dass sie abgeschoben werden darf. Raus mit ihr.

Denn bei sowas bleiben wir hart. Sonst könnte ja jede/r behaupten, schwul/lesbisch zu sein und sich damit hier bei uns einschleichen.

Menschenleben sind wertvoll? Naja, nicht immer. Staatsräson geht vor.

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