No Pasaran Uncut - new anti-fascist animation

anon 18.09.2013 21:03 Themen: Antifa
Watch the new anti-fascist animation about the anti-fascist movement from Magdeburg, Germany!
Magdeburg is a city in the east of Germany: there is disruption created by an annual parade of fascists claiming to commemorate the casualties of an allied air strike that happened during the Second World War.

The emphasis they place on the nature of these casualties as victims could have the effect of distracting people's attention from the atrocities performed by the Nazis themselves during the war, and from their role as the instigators of the conflict.


Italian version:-

Greek version:- coming soon (check comments when updated)

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BERLIN Filmvorführung

Lunte 18.09.2013 - 21:40
diesen Freitag (20.09.) um 19.00 Uhr wird der Film in der Lunte gezeigt.

"No Pasaran" über die alljährlichen Aktivitäten gegen den Naziaufmarsch in Magdeburg im Januar.
Es wird einen inhaltlichen Input, updates zum Naziaufmarsch 2014 in Magdeburg und leckere Vokü geben.

also kommt vorbei!